A new place to stay

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(Levi's point of view)

These three people are from princess Petra's kingdom. "Right, well would you three like to stay in my castle?" All three of the boys had gotten my attention. "Boys what would you like to do.?" He asks as the boys, Luka and Ren, we're asleep right now so he just took that as a yes. "Yes, we would be very great full." E says. I don't like how I don't know his really name, only a code name. "Uh sir, is was wondering if I could work for you in you castle?" He was surprised but gave a slow nod. "Thank you sir." He bows his head and kisses the boy's forehead  " so E before this happens though I would like to know your name and the two months of you past." That's what I demanded of all my servants. "Sir, once we get to the castle." He said looking around as his eyes stop and stare at a building southeast of where we stood. "Crud! They followed me here," He looks around and looks at a tree directly behind me. "Prince Levi, I was wondering would you take the boys to your castle?" He sat down the boys and walked to the building he had been staring at. Once he disappeared behind the wall we could not see, there was a scream, 'what are you up to E?' I thought seems how no one was over there. That's what a thought until he walk out from behind the place with a man, it was a guard, but not one of mine. "Seems I was followed." He says placing the man on the ground. I nodded "seems so." He said coldly. "Yes well the second follower- Is about to!Prince move!" He shoves me out of the way using my back as a jump boat and kicks this man in the face.  He place this man next to the first, picked up the bags and the boys. "Alright shale we go?" He asks. I stood there shocked as he pulls a gun out of the second mans hand. I nodded and picked up one of the kids I think it was Ren and he picked up the other one. We mad our way to the castle. In time we reach my castle and he sighed. "What's bother you?" I asked, he just shook his head and mumbled "two thing but mainly the background check." I nodded, but still confused what would a boy like him be afraid of telling me? Well little did I know them that he was a prince on the run. I opened the big steal and wood doors, walking heat the whispers of both servants and a few guards as E follows me to my study where I'll learn more about him. I get to the door and I was greeted by Hanji, a servant and good friend of mine. All of my servants were more than just servants to me so I try to take care of them the best I can. "I see you have brought back more people, I'll come back later." I nod and open the door to my study holding it open for E. "Take a seat." I way laying the boy in my arms on the couch. "Right." He holds the young one who looked no older than 5 in his arms. "So you know what I want to know, your real first and last name, and the last two months of you past. As well as any other information you wish to tell me." He nodded and began talking. "My name is Uh...Eren Jeager." I thought for a second, Wait! Jeager isn't that the last name of that entire royal family that went missing 5 years ago?! "And well I started to work at Petra's- er princess petra's castle 4 1/2 years ago. Uh well...I'm also know as midnight but you may want to know I do have status among the royal families. For five years ago the kingdom my family ruled over was destroyed because I am not a human, but if your wondering, yes, I am the lost prince who is not from this world." He tells me. My eyes are wide and I looks around making sure that no one was listing to the consternation. "E- er I mean Eren you know who much money I could get for turning you in?!" I asked. He nodded and looked up at me with bright green eyes and a wonderful smile. "I'm hoping that you won't though." I nodded "I won't, but can you become my personal servant?" His eyes wide He smiles a very sweet smile. "Of course, Prince Levi." My mother and father are in there way home and have been wanting me to get a personal servant, I hope there happy with who I have chosen for the job. "Thank you Eren!" I smiles and hugged him, but quickly stoping and going over to the little boy who was laying on the couch in my study. "When do I start and do I have a uniform?" He asked I looked into his eyes that had changed color and were now an sea blue. They were breath taking. "There is a uniform it's nothing much though, and you may start when ever you wish, but you must start with in the next week." I told him he nodded, " I'll start tomorrow then." He smiles and sat next to me looking at the little boy. "Thank you Prince Levi, they boys are younge so they think I'm there father but I saved them from a group of people who tried to fingers out the true identity of midnight." My eyes wide he looks down at the black haired boy wirh nothing but love and care. "See Ren is the one on the couch and he's 6 then there Luka, he's almost 7." I nodded at the two and smiled. "There sweet, I was wondering can I help you raise them?" The words slipped before I could think of what I was saying. 'Crap! I've messed up!' I thought he gave a soft chuckle and said " that would be lovely thank you." He nodded and smiled.

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