Beliefs 1

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The power of belief can help people. But, it can also harm them. If a person believes strongly that something will hurt him, his own fear can make him sick. For example:

A doctor once called to see a woman who had just had a miscarriage and was still bleeding a little. There was an Orange tree near her house, so he suggested she drink a glass of orange juice. (Oranges have Vitamin C which helps strenghten blood vessels).  She drank it--even though she was afraid it would harm her.

Her fear was so great that soon, she became very ill. The Doctor examined her, but could find nothing physically wrong. He tried to comfort her, telling her she was not in danger. But she said she was going to die. At last He gave her an injection of distilled (completely pure) water. Distilled water has no medical effect. But since she had great faith in injections, she quickly got better.

Actually, the orange juice did not harm her. What harmed her was her belief that it would make her sick. What made her well was her faith in injections!

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