Chapter 3: M.I.A

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On the way back to her Castle, Twilight Sparkle had wondered why Pinkie knocked herself unconscious. She realized the floors hadn't been slippery at all.

"Had she been sabotaged?," Twilight wondered, "I know for a fact that the kitchen floor was dry."

It has been 10 days since the incident, but she was still puzzled on how the accident had happened.

"I have to go see Pinkie and get the full story."

That, she did. Twilight ran as fast as she could, all the way to Sugar Cube Corner.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Cakes, is Pinkie Pie here?" Twilight asked.

"No, i'm sorry dear, but i have no idea where she is," Mrs. Cakes said, "I haven't seen her since yesterday."

"Alright, thanks anyway."

Twilight trotted along over to Sweet Apple Acres. While there she had spotted Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom, Apple Jack's siblings.

"Hey guys, have you seen Pinkie Pie at all today?" Twilight asked.

"Nope," Big Mac said.

"Ah'm afraid not Twilight," Apple Bloom said, "in fact I haven't seen Apple Jack today either."

"That's strange. It's not like Apple Jack to miss out on her chores like that."

On her way out of the farm, Twilight had noticed a pattern, but she wanted to be sure first. She went over to Rarity's house and Fluttershy's cottage sure enough, they were not there.

"I hope at least Rainbow Dash is alright," Twilight thought out loud.

She flew all the way to the WonderBolt Academy. When she got there everyone was in a panic.

"What's wrong everypony?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, I'm so glad that you're here," Spitfire, the lead WonderBolt said, "We can't find Rainbow Dash anywhere. We've searched all of Equestria for her and she is nowhere to be found."

"This is certainly strange, Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Rarity and Fluttershy are also missing. I wonder where they had gone?"

Twilight had not been looking where she had been going and she bumped into someone.


"Sorry, sorry, sorry," Twilight gestured, "it's all my fault."

"It's alright, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," said the person.

"Hey, I recognize you," Twilight remembered, "you're Lightning Dust."

"Y-yeah, you're c-correct. I'm not at all surprised though. I have to run to the store so I'll see you later."

Lightning Dust hurried along the path to the market place. Before Twilight even blinked, she was gone.

She acted a bit strange, Twilight thought.

Later that night, Twilight was still up wondering about her friends when she heard a crash.

"S-spike, is that you?" Twilight asked.

She moved closer and closer to the sound of the crash. When she opened the door, she entered the kitchen. She was puzzled when she didn't see anyone.


Twilight got struck in the head. Everything seemed so blurry she couldn't see the face of the person that struck her, and then everything went black...

"Have a nice rest Princess Twilight Sparkle, because it might be your last," the figure said, laughing, "It's time to join your friends."

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