Chapter 5: Rarity

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I think you guys deserve to know what happened to Rarity.

Finally awoken, Rarity had wondered what had happened to her. Her vision was a little blurry and she couldn't stand up strait. She was scared and panicked.

"H-hello," Rarity said, "is anypony there?"

Rarity was looking to see if there was a door anywhere she could enter. She found one and went through it. The doors had shut suddenly behind her, startling her. It was pitch black and she could not see clearly. She walked slowly and finally her eyes adjusted to the darkness so she could see a little bit. She had heard a noise from behind her.

"W-who's there?" She asked, "p-please don't hurt me."

"It's alright Rarity." said a familiar voice.

It was Pinkie Pie. She had just woken up as well and is trying to find her friends and a way out.

"Oh, thank goodness that it's just you Pinkie darling." Rarity said, relieved.

They were walking together for a while when they heard a noise that sounded like a flying object. They investigated the noise and found out it was behind them. Some arrows were hurdling toward them.

"RUN!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

They ran as fast as they could. The arrows were slightly faster but Rarity tried to make a shield with her horn. The spell worked for about 10 seconds and then the arrows penetrated the shield and a few arrows ended up in her right, front leg while the other arrows ended up on the ground.

"P-pinkie Pie, dear, I need help," Rarity had said, "p-please go get help from someone."

"Alright, Rarity, I'll try to be quick." Pinkie Pie told her.

Pinkie ran off to try to find the others, but hopefully Twilight or Fluttershy so they could patch up Rarity's wound. Rarity tried to find something to stop her bleeding, but had no luck. She knew she wasn't supposed to do this but she pulled out the arrows from her leg. It was more painful with the arrows coming out than going in. She was wondering, who shot those arrows?

"I-I know I should stay put, but I need to find someone to help me." She told herself.

She was limping badly and it was painful to put her hoof on the ground. She knew this would be like this forever because a horse's leg never gets better. While she was walking, she had saw a sign that said 'Warning: Traps will activate if you are not careful'.

"T-traps!" Rarity said, horrified.

Rarity carefully walked trough the hallway and next thing she knew, more arrows were shooting at her, but luckily she dodged them all. That is, until she stepped into a bear trap. She cried with pain. Unfortunately, that bear trap space was also a trap space. A bunch of swords had stabbed her in the back. Her vision was quickly fading and she didn't have much time left. She heard the fluttering of wings coming her way. She could tell who it was from the fluttering.

"R-rainbow Dash, please come help," she said with a whisper.

It was at this moment that Rarity had took her last breath. The bear trap had supported her so she stood up. Rainbow Dash had flew up to the figure she was looking at. When she noticed it was Rarity, dead, she screamed and flew away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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