Chapter 2: L'âme du Royaume

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There is a kingdom sat in front of the bay, for three quarters of the year, its delicate legs are frozen to the ground, yet everyone is thawed by the caring heart of the ruler.

There is a kingdom that dances to the loud, banging music of the festivals of spring. Though the festival only lasts four days, the song's beat still continues all year long, by the eternal heart of the ruler.

There is a kingdom that flourishes in the light of day, its harbor packed full with various ships and hopeful merchants, store's doors are kept wide open for anyone to come in, big or small. Not a single tax collector carries a weapon of harm, by order of the ruler's merciful heart.

There is a kingdom where magic is a passage way to wisdom and hope. Not a single mage nor sorcerer hoards their magic from others, as there always the never ending fountain of glistening mercury, flowing from the heart of the ruler.


"l'érudition est une fuite loin de notre propre vie que nous n'avons pas le courage de regarder an face"

Those were the words carved into the blade of my holy sword, as the sheath was embroidered in pearls, jade, amber, and silks in order to protect the sharpness kept inside.

"Rise, you pathetic vermin." was the first thing I could hear before I was kicked again to the side of a wall "It brings me no amusement when you mortals act so weak by being thrown across a room,"he teased in a bored tone as my eyes pried open to see him. Though my blood ran slowly onto the arches behind me, I still held onto the handle like it was my soul, like I was a loyal knight in the wake of battle, desiring nothing but blood shed from the enemy.

To make an attempt at preserving my honor, my hands quickly drew out the sword, running towards the grim, troublesome demon, I made a slash from the left of his waist, up to the right of his throat. He didn't even flinch. Slowly, he rose from his position and thus cast his all too familiar spell of frost over the world once more. A thin, colorless hand peaked out from his sleeve as the jagged fingers traced onto my body. I stood petrified, a familiar feeling I hadn't felt in years.

The farther he drew his finger up my chest, the more my status was diminished, as if my robe had been ripped off my flesh like tender skin. Blood curled and seeped from my chest slowly as I was only permitted to watch it. Not a nerve had tinged with feeling as his hand drew back, and once I was disgraced, on my knees by the weight of my shame. He napped my crown like the foolish thief he was.


As the young heiress lay cold and bloodied, the dark spirit glanced down at their transgressions before them, taking a long rugged breath from their lungs in their glamorized seat.  He looked to his pale hands, clean yet bloodied, cold yet still alive somewhere in that lump of flesh. His breaths had then soon transformed into quick gasp of air after quick gasp of air, his heart pounding faster and faster he couldn't believe what he had just done!  

The door opened slowly and carefully as Tobejas had brought his eyes to the grinning beast. 

If he chose to, he could do it again, and again and again, stealing the air from this pitiful mortal too, as his decisive intuition had almost clamped shut on deciding the verdict, until his heart abruptly stopped its pace.

"Come here." he ordered the servant, still keeping himself upright on the throne. Tobejas took a moment, looking from side to side of the room, taking a little more than a moment to take notice of the pile after piles of bodies on the floor. Instincts took control of his joints as he had drawn himself backwards. 

His violet eyes had finally landed to the queen as his hands were glued to the now locked doors, trembling like a small rodent. "Come here." He ordered again, getting closer to losing his patience. As the words had finally reached the petite boy's head, he took one last moment before hesitantly going down the court and to the throne, acting as if every corpse in the room had wanted to latch onto the twigs he called legs.

The demon took another moment to think, thinking about getting up, about the fate of this boy, about what to do with the queen, before ordering him to chuck her body out in the courtyard. 

"Make sure to lock the doors."


I need to remember Dimitri... Christian........ anyone to retrieve strength from in this echoey abyss. My death reeks of a quick defeat, thus, I must think about something to make the sinking weights lighter. So I can swim up the tide. I can't die in such a sad, pathetic way, can I?

Suddenly a jolt of sensation electrifies at the root of my neck, it pokes against the nerves like a million tiny needles prodding and prodding by Satan's hand. Is this going to be the way my death be written in the texts?

The great and noble Anna, had her eyes closed for the final time by the force of her own marble walls hitting her weak and untouched heart, too much for her to bear, she drew her final breath in front of her own perished court.

No, how dare someone write that about me, I know those idiot scholars would go ahead and portray me as frail and flimsy, their own queen written off to be as only the mother Mary and not as the messiah such be the other kings! Before that ever happens, I would send my spirit to haunt the scholars until they wrote it in the manner that I approve of!

The great and noble Anna, had her eyes closed for the final time after a long, treacherous fight against Satan himself. Forth his cruel tricks and plots had finally caught up to her, thus bringing her life to an end in only the most unfair way possible.

Yes, yes, that was better. However, it needs to also portray my wisdom better as well, and my spirit too. And it simply can't be that short of a passage, along with it having to be something that Tobejas can have put into a series of stained glass windows. Only then will it be fitting for my grand au revoir to my people.

But then, almost unfortunately, my eyes had slowly pried themselves open to see another day.

 Demon Of The Frozen Bay (Hetalia x reader) Where stories live. Discover now