Chapter 9:La Bêtise

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The hybrids are quite the odd sub species of creature. Anatomy wise, they share identical body features to that of a human from toe to shoulder, however hybrids do not have faces similar to man kind. Instead faces can vary, from rabbit to bear, frog, deer, robin, the list goes on from there. Hybrids on the contrary to us mortals, do not act like us. Instead of wanting more and more in their lives, they go on to be happy as servants for us, built by the gods to serve us in day to day tasks and nothing more.

If their owner is attacked or in danger, they will, without hesitation, go on to give up their lives and fight for them if need be. In the case that a hybrid steps out of line, do not be weary to remind them of their place in the household whether it be by belt, rod, whip, anything you fancy, as you will be delighted to know that they do not feel pain as we do. They do not live or yearn or love as we are able to. Their minds nor their souls simply can not process such things.

Breeding between various hybrids of different heads is perfectly safe, as their spawn will not come out amalgamated to both, but instead as only one of the parent's heads, often the father's. Breeding between us and them on the contrary has only been properly documented once, and that is a mistake that no one dare attempt again, as the outcome is disastrous, and devilish, it will only lead to pain and death. If attempted, the legal punishments will be high and not in your favor.

The brain of this certain species is smaller than mortal's, ergo hybrids can not preform certain tasks such as reading and writing, complex maths, sciences, and philosophies, yet they will on the contrary be smart enough to properly understand any order you give to them.

With your help, we will be able to tame these creatures into loyal happy servants for the well being of everyone, and for the progress in our society.


The former queen lay with wet, raw cheeks as she was still subdued inside her own bedroom, waiting for the new king to return after their conversation had been abruptly cut short by his own servants calling to him about urgent issues he had to make decisions on quickly.

A small mob of people from lowly surfs to even a few middle class workers had started a small rally, objecting the sudden change of a ruler; they wanted to see his face at the very least. All of this news however, had never been brought to the former queen's ears; as she lay bored and hopeless in the still and dusting room. Reminding her of her previous state of boredom just that morning.

She thought not about looking for a means of escaping, even though she wished to leave, a part of her still felt conflicted on leaving her people, she would be a traitor of sorts if she did such a thing, would she not?

Regardless of her intents, she still seemed to lack the creativity to even fathom a smart enough exit route; they had too many factors to consider, too many disadvantages in her arsenal that left her nude and vulnerable, both literally and figuratively inside her dormitory.

However in those waiting moments, luck finally seemed to switch back onto her side, as a familiar face had slipped through the door, it was none other than her former trustworthy second hand, Tobejas. In all of her years working alongside him, today seemed to be the day he had become the most pale.

Quickly and without thinking, Anna had fled to the side of her bed, attempting to cover her body from him with the piece of furniture while giving him an amalgamation of a look of what a frightened mouse would give to their killer, along with the look of what an ordinary woman would glare at any man who dare sneak a sinful glance at their most intimate of parts.

Still, the room was left lacking of sound until he brought his eyes to the other side of the room, apologizing for finding her in that way. Inside his mind he held too much curiosity, too much worry over his former queen, still wanting to believe that nothing has changed.

Grabbing a nearby blanket, he went over to clothe it over her until she hesitantly flinched backwards. Explaining to him the curse put on her, he awkwardly stepped back to keep her decency from his eyes as he thought of solutions.

Perhaps trimming a sheep's wool from only the bottom would do, or raising silk worms on the floor. He thought about metals for a brief moment before brushing it off, his queen could not wear something as menacing and masculine as armor, instead, perhaps a netting of moss or flowers would do, yes.

As he had been brainstorming about her nudity issue, he almost forgot to even check up on her wounds! But no, how could he help on treating them if he couldn't even wrap them in cotton properly?

It took him nearly an entire day to come up with the proper solution to treat her wounds along with figuring out how to nonconspicuously clothe her, he ordered the maids to pluck flowers from the greenhouse and root the plants. After washing off the roots and plants, maids would flatten the roots and tie the flowers together into a sort of netting. 

As the maids worked hard on making the dress, meanwhile, Tobejas had made sure to send Anna from room to various room in waiting, knowing that Victor was to expect her to stay in her own room, what was he to do if Anna was simply moved to another room so servants could clean it and then the next room?

In hindsight, the plan had worked almost too well, once the noble Victor had went on to finally return to his conversation with the former queen, thus began his search for her as the servants continued to hide her away, excusing her absence as how they had simply shooed her away so they could clean the rooms. It was a meaningless goose chase but comical it was for a brief moment, that was until he had enough of the nonsense.

He ordered for her to be brought within the hour, if the people of his kingdom did not bring her to him, he would assign ten people at random dead once the sixty minutes were up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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