Chapter 6:Cent Neuf Ans

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Standing in a dark metal room, my eyes met with another pair neat me. He told me that I'm already done for before his eyes closed and a knot began forming in my stomach. I looked down only to realize the sickly shaped tumor below my skin, I screamed in terror.

My blood had been scattered under my legs as I realized what had been happening, what knot lay within me was the impurity of life living inside of my womb. I howled for hours writhing in pain as they slowly left me, and once they finally left my being, I felt happy that the small life below me was finally out, until a pain shot back inside of me again, I had brought no shears to separate our souls.

My eyes shot open again to meet with nothing. It was just my imagination wasn't it. I was almost happy that my eyes felt open, however concerned that nothing was in front of me. When I moved my arms and legs met with nothing either besides with the sensation of floating at the top of a vast endless lake.

Did they throw me out into the harbor? No... even if they did it wouldn't be this dark, there is no sky above me nor is there water below me. Even if I tried to swim out to somewhere else, I know that I would likely end in nowhere anyways, and so I was stuck waiting without sensations for the longest time.

What had felt like a few hours of waiting, maybe even days, a sudden wave went past my being until another came past, and more until I was hit by a wall as the loud sounds of smashing of glass came to my ears. I had been let free from my senseless captor.


Using both of my arms to stable myself from the now stained carpet, I looked over to my right to find the demon just sitting across the room calmly as he had been twirling a small spoon through a cup of tea.

"Ah, you're finally awake now, are you? Come, sit down and join me." He spoke, not leaving his attention away from his the table he had been resting one of his arms over. Even though fear had claimed my soul, I stayed put. "You are no king." I started, my voice frail and weak as I continued

"You are no king, you hold no title to your name but killer. You may keep me barley alive for one hundred and nine years until I beg for the release of death as did the gods, but I will never call vermin such a title higher than what I am." I claimed, breathing harshly yet weakly as my ever flowing blood mixed with the dark substances around me.

At last, he had set down his saucer and brought his eyes towards me. He did not laugh nor frown at the mockery I gave him, instead he gave me something else. With a blank face, he stood up and walked slowly towards me. My legs wanted to run away but I couldn't, not with the pathetic amount of energy left in me.

Picking me up from the floor by my neck, ignoring the substance that started to stain his shoes and hands, as was my entire body, he observed my face closely as I did his. His was completely blank, however, I knew his intents of reading my emotions, he wanted to read fear off of my face, and fear and anguish was all I had left to give.

"You don't get it, do you?" He said in the quietest of tones as the grip around my neck grew tighter "You're nothing now. By the time the next sun rises, all of your scriptures will be nothing but ashes. You will have no name to the texts of our past nor will your heart have any value to your people. So what does it matter?" He asks, before abruptly dropping me back into the puddle I came from as he began walking away from me

"What does it matter that you call me by the name I've worked so hard to gain? I promise you this Annabelle, you may say that not in a whole one hundred and nine years you will ever call me by my title, but I can assure you that you will be kneeling to me in only... one hundred and nine minutes." He smiles to himself as he goes back to to his seat.

"Now, if you don't come and join me, well, I think we both know what will happen." It was true. I was weak on energy, and dying. I needed some form of energy and no one was going to feed me with a silver spoon now. I stood quiet for a moment contemplating, if it was true, if everything I've worked hard to build these past ten years had been all burned by tonight, I'll truly be forgotten in the panels of history, so why bother caring about my diplomatic tendencies now? 

What did I have to live for now that my name will never be able to be praised for generations to come? Did I really want to die this silently, or did I want to live? At this point, the best option that might come to be of me is that I'm banished from my own lands and forced to retreat to living as a commoner for the rest of my life if I was lucky. But even then, is the point of living worth what I want in life now?

Something within me had been in there, telling me that there's still some hope, there's still a chance that the worst of it may be over soon, and so I leaned up and began to crawl over to him, as if I was a weak, feeble insect scavenging for food; it amused him. Getting to the table, I went to attempt taking a seat, however when I did, I was thrown halfway across the room again as my body couldn't take much more of this torment.

"I never said you were allowed a seat" he chided as he took a sip from his cup, and so, I forced my arms to crawl again to him, to sit on the floor next him as if I was some sort of hound waiting for table scraps from their owner. Smiling and glancing down at me, he took something off of the tray and dropped it down next to me "you're starting to finally catch on... Good." He seemed to hesitate on the last word before going back to his tea. Looking down to what he threw at my side, it wasn't one of the small cakes or sandwiches that were a common place on my trays of tea. Instead it had been an apple, and when picking it up, it almost seemed perfect, until I had turned it around to find a large dark bruise over it.

Sighing and turning it back on to the nicer side, my mouth opened as my teeth closed onto a chunk of the crimson fruit.

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