Chapter 2- Through the Woods

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  • مهداة إلى Zachary, my brother

I woke up on the back of a carriage. I looked around and saw that Bryan was driving the carriage. The horse drawing the carriage was pure white and had a white horn on its forehead. Of course he captured a Unicorn, what kind of heartless person was he? In the carriage were some supplies, magical objects, food, water, and a bird cage with a flaming bird in it.

The bird squawked, warning Bryan that I was awake. "Well hello sleeping beauty, I hope you had a nice dream." He put down his reins and turned back to face me. "You better be Brooklyn, or my parents are seriously going to hurt you." He laughed.

"My name is Brooklyn, I don't know if I'm the one you're looking for though." I realized my hands were tied behind my back, and my legs were tied together. There was no way I could move, and if I wasn't the Brooklyn they were looking for.... Yeah, didn't want to think about what Bryan's parents would do with me.

"Well whatever, I don't care if you're her or not. Either way I was supposed to bring something or someone of value back." Bryan got into his pack. He pulled out a piece of raw meat, and opened the bird cage. He whistled, and the phoenix flew out and landed on his arm. Bryan feed the bird the meat, and then stroked its head, when his hand touched the bird the flames stopped, and Bryan's hands didn't burn. "This is Firefly." Bryan introduced the bird.

"Firefly?" I asked. I wondered if he had this bird for awhile, or if he just caught it after kidnapping me.

"Is there something wrong with his name?" Bryan threatened. The bird cawed in my faced. It looked menacingly at me, as if I was going to get between it and its master.

"No, it's a fine name I suppose. But why did you choose it?" I tried making conversation. If I could get on his good side maybe later I could escape.

"Well I got him for my tenth birthday, I'm seventeen by the way, and at night I used to hang out with him. He ate fireflies so that's what I called him. Remember I was ten." Bryan smiled. The unicorn whinnied and started to a gallop. "Whoa! Calm down!" Bryan turned back and grabbed the reins, and then he pulled on them to stop the unicorn.

"Maybe if you were nicer to your captives they wouldn't fight you as much." I advised. I did manage to get a grin out of that. He was too busy to really do anything to punish me for mocking him.

"Oh be quiet!" The unicorn calmed down a bit, but was still snorting with rage. The unicorn continued to walk on pulling the cart.

"So what'd you call him?" I asked. Bryan rolled his eyes and was about to say something, when the unicorn interrupted.

"My name is Cale. I can speak for myself and this boy is not my master. Someday he will regret what he has done to me!" The unicorn turned his head so he could see me. "And who are you?" He asked more kindly.

"I'm Brooklyn Archer." I introduced myself.

"Ah, the boy captures one of his own!" The unicorn snorted with either amusement or sympathy, I couldn't tell which.

"It's not like I'm bringing her to the market! I'm bringing her back to the camp sight, so my parents can confirm that she is part of my family." Bryan rolled his eyes. Did he really want to find his sister or not? "Now get going Cale, My parents are expecting us to be home within the hour!"

While Cale trotted faster, and Bryan tried to control where we were going. I tried to see just how strong my bindings were. Unsurprisingly, they weren't strong. This boy couldn't tie a descent knot, but he could manage to shove a strange liquid down my throat!

I untied my hands, and then started ripping away the knot that was formed around my ankles. My clothes had grass stains on them. It looks like the boy isn't strong enough to lift me of the ground either. I dusted off my pants and glared at the back of Bryan's head. His black hair was slightly blowing in the wind.

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