Chapter 6- Galonthor the New Guard

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 “Brooke?” I heard in the distance. “Brooke, wake up.” I felt coolness against my forehead, and snapped awake.

            “Whoa, what happened?” I moaned. I looked around me and saw Galon.

            “How are you feeling?” He asked.

            “My leg is killing me.” I stated with a slight grin. I saw that I was in the back of the carriage, and lying asleep next to me was the werewolf. I jolted away from her, and grabbed my bow which was at my side.

            “Whoa!” Galon grabbed my arm and stopped me from hitting her. “It’s all right, I tied her up with magic; she’s not going to hurt anyone.” Galon’s sky blue eyes gazed into mine; he looked behind me and raised his eyebrow. As I was about to turn my head to see what he was looking at he pushed a bit of my hair behind me ear and, leaned in close, started whispering in it. “I’m reading her mind; I don’t want Bryan to know what I can do, sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable.” He pulled back and smiled.

            In order to trick my brother, I smiled back. I had a strange feeling that I trusted Galon more than Bryan. But Bryan was the one that was risking everyone for his girlfriend, and I had just met Galon, he seemed so smart and nice to come along and help. I shifted myself over, farther from the werewolf. “Ow.” I cried as my leg started shooting pain through my body.

            “Here, let me take care of this.” Galon said gently. He slowly rested his hand on my knee. “Sana,” I watched as all of the cuts and bruises dissappaired from my leg. Then I felt a tug as my bone was put back together. “There it should be healed, can you move it?”

            I wiggled my toes, then my ankle, and finally I bent my kneecap back and forth. “Fixed,” I smiled and looked it over, all of the blood had been washed off, and my leg was smoother and cleaner than it had ever been before. “That’s really amazing.” I told him.

            I heard someone laugh behind me, it was Bryan. “I told you sis, he’s the best.” I turned around and saw him sitting where he could face us. “Now what are we going to do with her?” He asked as he twirled a dart shooter around in his fingers.

            “We’re going to help her. If we help her she’ll probably help us.” Galon said sternly. “You’re going to need all the help you can get.”

            “Fine, but will she agree to help us?”

            “I’m positive she will.” Galon said sternly.

            “All right Galon, you’re the man.” Bryan turned back to driving the carriage. He wasn’t that happy with Galon’s attitude, but he dealt with it, because Galon was his only shot.

            “Shouldn’t we wake her up, and seal the deal?” I asked. By looking at the sun I could tell that we didn’t have a whole lot of time, to get back and bust Mia out.

            “Sure, here Galon, take this.” Bryan threw a satchel behind him and it looked like it was going to hit Galon’s face. But he lifted his hand and caught it with little emotion showing.

            Galon rolled his eyes and opened the satchel; he dug through it until he found a little vial with a clear liquid in it. He saw me staring at it, “its peppermint,” He said. I watched as he uncorked the small bottle, and put it under the werewolf’s nose.

            She started coughing and then sneezed. Galon pulled the vial away and corked it. “Whoa! Man that’s strong!” She started coughing again.

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