Chapter 5- Don't Wrestle with Werewolves

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In my dream I was just about to fall when I was woken by a knock at the door. “Wake up, Sis.” I heard Bryan call. He never waited for me to answer; I heard his footsteps disappear down the hall.

            I got up and looked in the mirror my hair was a mess, and my armor didn’t look right to be attending a dinner with my grandfather, who I had never met. But it would have to do, I hadn’t brought any pretty clothing, all I had was my safety gear.

            I walked down the hall to the dining room. Grandfather was seated at the end with Bryan on one side and an open seat on the other. Next to the open seat was a little girl, with blond hair and blue eyes, the same blue eyes as Galon, who was sitting across from her, next to my brother.

            “Please, take a seat Brooklyn.” My grandfather motioned to the seat next to him.

            I sat down and the little girl stared at me. “Hello, you must be Lily.” I smiled; trying to be nice to her.

            “And you must be Brooklyn,” She smiled back. “Your Bryan’s little sister right?”

            “Yeah, he’s my brother.” I laughed a little bit.

            The food was all set out; there were all different kinds of unique dishes, steak, and an assortment of vegetables, juices, and fruit. We all ate in silence. Having Bryan and I here probably interfered with Galon, Lily, and our grandfather’s conversations.

            When everyone was finished with our meals Galon rose and took our plates away. He returned carrying a platter with 5 plates of apple pie. He gave each of us a plate and ate on slice himself.

            Eating the apple pie reminded me of Blossom. She must be worried sick; she was the one who saw me get kidnapped, and I bet she told everyone in the forest what she saw. Now Bryan would be in trouble if he returned into Willow’s forest. Fighting an adult dryad wasn’t easy, especially when she is the center of the forest!

            “This is a pretty good piece of pie.” Bryan told Galon.

            “My sister helped me. It was her idea.” Galon answered with little emotion, something told me he was still mad about my brother pressing him only hours before.

            “I’m planning on a break out.” Bryan stated.

            My grandpa dropped his fork, and coughed. “Bryan, are you insane! You’ll never get Mia out.”

            “I have to try! And the reason why I came is because I needed help.” Bryan wouldn’t look at my grandfather.

            “Bryan, I’ll take her in if she gets here, but I can’t leave my fort in the care of Galon and his little sister, she’s only 9.” Grandpa put his head in his hands.

            “I didn’t mean you grandfather. I meant Galon.”

            “What!” Lily cried. Galon sat with his hands in his lap; he didn’t look up, only listened.

            “Galon, please, I need your help.” Bryan begged.

            Galon stood and left the room. “You can’t take him! He’s my brother!” Lily cried again. She stared at me with watery eyes.

            “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure your brother is alright.” I told her. What is Bryan thinking? I wondered. Bryan stood and followed Galon out the door.

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