Chapter 7- Someone get's left behind

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As Galon and I walked down the winding staircase into the ball room, we had hundreds of beautifully dressed people staring back at us. My breathing became irregular, and my forehead started sweating with nervousness. This was worse than fighting with my adopted sisters. 

            It’s okay. I heard Galon’s voice in my head. I squeezed his hand, and we continued walking down the staircase. Do you want a drink?

            I’m fine. I replied in my mind.

            “Welcome granddaughter!” The king bellowed in his strong voice.

            “It’s wonderful to finally meet you, grandfather.” I curtseyed. We walked down the staircase to meet him.

            “May I, Sir Garrett?” My grandfather asked and reached his hand out.

            “Of course, your majesty,” Galon placed my hand into my grandfather’s and then I was led away from him.

            The king brought me to the middle of the dance floor. “Have you ever danced before, Brooklyn?” He asked as we swayed back and forth. The music was a classical melody, I thought I had heard it once, maybe a traveler sang it while walking under my mother’s tree.

            “No, Sir.” I replied shyly. I had just met my grandfather, and if he found out about Willow by something I said; I would never forgive myself.

            “So Brooklyn, where have you been all these years?” The king asked quietly.

            “In the forest,” I answered. I was looking for Galon; if I could find him maybe he could get me out of dancing with my grandfather.

            “Were you all alone?”

            “No, well, maybe.” I couldn’t tell him about the dryads that had taken care of me.

            “Oh, I understand dear. You had all the nature and animals around you, and you were so used to being alone that you didn’t care too much about it. You are very brave child.” My grandfather said to me as the song ended and we slowly came to a stop.

            Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Excuse me Sir, but may I have this next dance?” I heard Galon ask.

            “Why of course, Brooklyn and I were just having a friendly discussion.” My grandfather let go of my hand, bowed, and walked off to join my grandmother at the thrones.

            Galon moved so he was in front of me, he took my hand, and placed his other around my waist. I put my other hand and put it on his shoulder. He was the slightest bit taller than me, and I had to tilt my head upwards to see his face.

            Galon stumbled. “Sorry about my 2 left feet. I’ve never been invited to a ball before. You know, wizards aren’t really fancy.” He whispered to me.

            “Its fine, I’ve never been to a ball before either, living in the forest my whole life, well, I have only heard of a ball.” I laughed. He laughed with me and we continued to dance.

            “Want a drink?” Galon poured me a glass of water.

            “Thanks.” I took the glass and drank most of the water. “So when are we supposed to leave?”

            “Not until midnight.” Galon said and looked at the huge grandfather clock. It said 11:30, time had flown by. The little snacks the serving men had brought around had filled me up, and while I refused to drink any alcohol I was offered I did drink a lot of water, which Galon had poured for me. He said it was important to stay hydrated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2012 ⏰

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