| THE TIGER'S OMEGA | 13 | 18+ |

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When we woke up it was about noon, a gentle breeze was drafting through Kaleb's cracked window ruffling his ebony curls. I stretched languidly, before wrapping an arm around Kaleb's small form and pulling him close. My little puppy's eyes fluttered but stayed closed. My tiger was practically radiating contentment, letting out deep chuffing sounds every so often.

I didn't want to move, but it would probably be for the best if we got up and cleaned ourselves. I gently shook Kaleb's shoulder all I got in return was a sleepy grumble as he snuggled closer into my side. I tried not to indulge in his cuteness because goddess knows I could stay with him in this bed for days. However, I knew that my little mate needed to eat, and his needs will always come first. With that in mind, I untangled myself from his small form causing him to wake up.

He blinked those beautiful grey orbs at me groggily and I had to stop myself from diving back into the bed and loving on him some more.

"Come on, it's time to wake up," I said, my voice still laden with sleep. "We need to take a shower." Kaleb nodded as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

I held a hand out to him, which he grabbed and I pulled him against me. Immediately he wrapped his arms around my neck as mine settled around his slim waist. Capturing his lips with my own I successfully elicited a moan from his throat. I pulled away, burying my face in his neck, releasing a soft chuff. Kaleb giggled before stepping out of my arms. I let him go reluctantly and watched as he walked over to his trunk. He pulled out a pair of boxers and some more clothes for himself. He glanced over his shoulder sheepishly,

"I don't have anything that will fit you," he said apologetically "You're just so big!" exasperation was clear in his voice as he threw his hands in the air jokingly. I gasped placing a hand over my heart, pretending to be hurt.

"Did you just call me fat?" I purposely flexed, preening under my mate's heated gaze.

My little mate stared fixedly at every shift my muscle made. I could practically taste his arousal, the scent alone made me harder than a rock. The desire to use his soft little body in any way I wanted to clouded my brain. The things I wanted to do to him... Once I get him all to myself on our own little stretch of land, I plan on treating him like a Prince but fucking him like a beast. If only he knew the less than decent thoughts that run through my head. I wonder if he'd be shocked or helplessly aroused.

He scowled at me cutely once he saw the broad smirk on my face. He stuck his tongue out and I laughed. The childish pout that pulled at his lips was too delectable for words.

Once he had gathered all of his necessary items he grabbed his things and walked out the room with me close behind.

The trip wasn't long as our designation was rather close. The bathroom was a decent size, equipped with two sinks, a bath as well as a stand-alone shower and a toilet. I made sure the door was locked before turning around.

You'd think that after being around his naked body for hours would dampen the effect it had on me, that wasn't the case. The sight of Kaleb's pale porcelain skin made my blood heat a few degrees with the need to turn the perfect flesh pink with my palm.

I don't know if I'll be able to behave myself while being subjected to watching the water flow down his tempting little body. He looked over his shoulder at me shyly, eyes downcast as his face lit up an endearing pink.

"D-don't just stare." He admonished timidly. "Aren't you gonna get in?"

I smirked. "I can't guarantee we'll be getting any cleaner if I do." His blush deepened magnificently as his eyes finally lifted to meet mine, mischievousness glittering in the grey depths.

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