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"Who planned it?" Taehyung said, sipping his noodles.

"Jungkook" I quickly said.

"What? You were the one who planned it, when I got to the backstage to get you. Then you told me this plan on doing this to Taehyung" Jungkook explain, while Taehyung was facing me.

"OK fine, I did" I said, not making a contact with them.

"You got me in a very Embarrassing situation" He said with a serious tone in his voice.

"You also got me in that situation" I murmured under my breath.

"Like i did" He said, rolling his eyes on me.

"Uh guys, i have to go. My mother is calling me, See yah" Jungkook Excuse himself.

"Yes, You did!" I raised my voice, as i slam my hands to the table. 

"Since When!" He also raised his voice.

I ran off from that place and head outside, there was so much people watching at us. As i was running off, i felt someone's from mine. I knew that person, how can he forget all the things he have done.

"You!" I said, as i let go from his hands.

"How can you forget" I said, trying to hold the tears i have right now. But it runs freely down to my cheeks.

"W-What" He said trying to go to me, but i stepped away.

"How can you forget the things you've been embarrassed me from your comments" I said, still my tears are running down my cheeks.

"I-I always have this nightmares about your hate comments, i always cry every night because of you. How can you pretend that you didn't even do all this staff, I've always said 'Im Fine' but im really not. And you think what happend today is one of your embarrassing moments?!, Taehyung im worst than that. I've always think about why you hate me and all of those stuff, Its dangerous for me because i can't handle those things you've said. It took me 1 week to have that coma, I let Jennie to do all my social things. I was week at that time, week from lookng at those things you have said. I got even excited to see you.

"Y-You What" I looked at Taehyung deeply, how can he.

"Look I-"

With that, i ran off. Not looking back, I regret going here. Uhh I would Jungkook leave me here, I got my phone out and search for Jungkook number.



"Lisa? Are you okay?"

"Can you pick me up?"

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