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The sound of the phone ringing blared throughout my entire house. I decided to wait for someone else to pick it up as the god honest effort of leaving my bed was something else.

Once time passed and the phone continued to ring, I hear Henry's annoying voice in the other room shouting.

"SOMEONE ANSWER THE FUCKING PHONE" I groan under my breath and fortunately fling myself out of the bed and down the hallway to the house phone.

"Hello" I say kinda rugged. I had just woken up. After a long night at staring at the hallway thinking Alice was gonna come in had me up late enough to not get enough rest.

"Misty? I really need your help something bad happened and I don't know how to explain and I need help from the others because there is so much like so mu-" Beverly ranted on.

"Woah woah! Hold your high horse. What's going on?" I exclaim finally awake. She sounded like she was scared.

"Can you just get to my apartment as quick as you can?" She said I ended up nodding my head fast but quickly realised she couldn't see me through the phone.

"Yeah sure, I'll be there soon" I say hanging up and running back into my room to get dressed. Once out the front door with a quick middle finger to my step-fuck, I sprinted down the pathway in hopes Richie was there already.

"Hello hot stuff" He greeted me but I rolled my eyes and quickly got on the back of his bike with no word.

"Not even a kiss hello" He says jokingly but I quickly grab his cheeks and pull his lips into mine again. He is again taken aback but quickly reacts this time.

"Hey Richie. Now can we please get to Beverly's" I say once I pull away. He nods blushing a little before cycling off to Beverly's. Luckily along the way we meg up with the others until we finally reached Bev's apartment.

"You made it. I need to show you something" Beverly says once we see her standing on the small patch of grass outside her apartment.

"More than what we saw at the quarry?" Richie says. I smack him across his arm as he lets out a shriek and begins rubbing it.

"Shut up Richie. Just shut up" Eddie said getting annoyed.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment" Beverly explains and we all nod. I know what her dad is like.

"W-Well leave a l-l-look out" Bill says. "Richie y-you stay h-here"

"Wait what? What do I do if her dad comes back?" Richie exclaims while waving his arms about. I was Beverly's best friend, I needed to see what had her shaken up so bad.

"Do what you always do. Start talking" Stan fires back as he helps me up the stairs to Beverly's apartment. Lightly in the distance I hear Richie's voice again.

"It's a gift" He says. I begin giggling under my breath but stop once we got to Beverly's hallway.

"In there" She points to the door down the hallway. It was glowing a vibrant red from what I could see from the cracks in the doorway.

"Is that your bathroom? I just have to say that a lot of accidents can happen in a bathroom it is really just not very sanitary-" Eddie rambles on.

"Shut up Eddie" I end up saying as I was trying to focus on what's behind Beverly's bathroom door. Bill slowly freaks open the door and I didn't expect to see what I did.

Blood covered the bathroom from top to bottom. There wasn't even an indication that there was a normal bathroom behind it. Every small place or big that you could think of was covered by a layer of blood.

The Only Exception •Richie Tozier•Where stories live. Discover now