Chapter 1

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"MICHAEL!" I squealed jumping into his arms. I couldn't help but giggle as he spun me around. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too baby girl." Micheal said before kissing me.
I hadn't seen Michael in months and I was so happy he was home. Sure I loved that he was living his dream but I hated that he was gone so much, but it made the times we did have together that much more special.

"I'm gonna go give Luke and the rest of the boys a hug ok baby." I told Michael as he was setting me down.

"No." He whined. "Your mine and I haven't seen you in so long."

"Michael it's only fair." I replied kissing him again. "Luke's my best friend I have to give him a hug."

"Fine." Michael whined letting me go.

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek and ran over giving Luke a hug.
"I've missed you." I giggled as Luke squeezed me.

"I missed you too Paige." Liked replied kissing my head.

"We have to spend a day together ok?" I smiled looking up at him.

"Maybe we can go to the music store?" He smiled.

"Yasss." I practically squealed loud enough I'm surprised they weren't all deaf.

"Ok ok ok we will definitely do that." Luke laughed.
After a few more minutes of talking to Luke, I went over and gave the other boys their hugs before heading back over to Michael.

"Hey baby girl." Michael smiled wrapping an arm around my waist.

"hey baby." I smiled kissing him again gently.

"ready to go home?" He asked picking up his bag.

"Yes. I have so much to tell and show you when we get there." I giggled kissing his cheek.
I was so happy to have him back and so much had happen in the time that he was gone that I began writing things down on a little piece of paper and putting them in a jar so I could remember to tell him when he got back.

"Then let's get going." Michael laughed as we began walking to the car.

*Luke's Pov*

"Luke You ok?" Ashton asked picking up his bag.

"Yeah why?" I asked picking up mine as well.

"Well every since we landed and met up with Paige you've seemed a little off." Ashton replied shrugging just a little.

"Just tired that's all."
That's not even close to it. I mean sure I'm tired, but that's not it.  I mean you'd be a little off to if the girl you loved was off kissing one of your best friends.

"Ok. Well if you change your mind and want to talk you know where to find me." Ashton said before walking off.

"I know I know." I mumbled following behind him.

After making our way through the crowd of people Ashton and Calum went their way while I had to drive Michael and Paige home.  Every now and then I'd catch a glimpse of them in the backseat making out. Honestly I was surprised they could breathe with how long they would kiss.
I tried my best to focus on the road but when I heard Paige let out a moan my thoughts drifted. I couldn't help but think about how I could make her moan louder and make her scream my name and make her feel so good.

"M-Michael Luke's here." I heard her say. She was trying to be quiet but failing miserably.

"What he may enjoy the show." I could practically hear Michael's stupid smirk as he continued doing what ever it was he was doing. He's an asshole is what he is. Sure he's one of my friends but an ass hole. If she doesn't want to do something here and now he should immediately stop she deserves that.

"Michael please." She said through a kiss.

"Fine." Michael replied a little bit of annoyance in his voice.

True second I heard the tone in his voice I wanted to stop the car get out and yell at him, but I couldn't. Like always I just had to sit here quietly and just pretend I knew nothing.
Thankfully the car ride didn't last much longer. Not just because I couldn't stand to be in the car with them much longer but also because of my thoughts I had managed to get a hard on that was becoming extremely uncomfortable.

"I'll text you about hanging out ok Luke?" Paige said kissing my cheek before following Michael into their house.

"Ok I'll be waiting." I replied before driving off.

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