Chapter 24

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Paige's Pov

"No you can not do anything to him while he's asleep." Addison replied shaking her head.

"awe come on." I replied, whining yet laughing.

"I said no," she laughed " I am not letting you do anything to him."

"Do what to who?" Ashton replied walking into the kitchen looking extreme tired.

"I wanted to pull a prank on you but Addison won't let me." I whined watching as he walked in giving Addison a kiss.

"Thank you baby." He mumbled before getting a cup of coffee.

"Always." She replied laughing.

Addison and Ashton had a good relationship, both had each other's backs and kept each other going. Sure they had their moments when they didn't get along but it didn't last long.

"Paige is going to be staying with us for a while." Addison Smiled looking up from the stove giving Ashton a smile.

"Glad I was asked." Ashton joked sitting in one of the stools near me.

"Hey no fair." I whined pushing on his arm.

"I'm kidding Paige your always welcome here, you can stay as long as you'd like." Ashton replied giving me a smile before taking another drink of his coffee.

"Thanks Ash." I Smiled "Think I could get you to do me a favor?"

"What's that?" He asked looking over at me.

"Can you get my babies from Michael's?" I asked quietly looking down at my cop of hot chocolate.
The room went silent for a minute and without even having to look up I could tell Ashton and Addison where having some sort of conversation without speaking.

"Of course." Ashton replied giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Thanks Ash." I replied giving him a smile. Life was going to be a little different for a while, living with Ashton and Addison, not seeing Luke or Michael.

                    Ashton's Pov

After breakfast I went upstairs and took a hot shower, got dressed and began getting ready for work. The boys and I decided to start writing today, but with everything that began yesterday I'm not quite sure how that will go.

"I'm heading out baby." I yelled as I walked down the stairs.

"Leaving already?" Addison pouted as she walked around the corner.

"Yep long day ahead, plus o figure you and Paige have some things to discuss." I replied wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Yeah we do, and I have to clean the guest room so we don't have to sleep on the couch again. God that thing is uncomfortable." She laughed rubbing her neck with her hand.

"You can say that again." I laughed kissing her head. "Try to have some fun today ok?" I smiled resting my head on her forehead.

"I'll try. You to baby. Text me if you need anything ok? And maybe try not to tell the boys where Paige is. I don't want them to come around just yet." Addison replied giving me a kiss.

"Ok baby." After a few more minutes we said bye and I went over to Michael's. I was the first one there and Michael was still asleep so I went around and got the things Paige wanted.

She wanted Alma her wolf pup Michael got her right before we went on tour last time, her song book, her guitar, some CDs, Harry Potter series, the shadow hunter CDs and lastly her NYPD sweatshirt. Once I collected everything I put it in the car and say on the couch with Alma waiting for everyone else to get ready. Hopefully I could get through today without anyone asking me if I knew where Paige was. 

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