Chapter 4

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                         Paige's Pov

"I definitely missed waking up to that view." Michael whistled looking me over as I stood on front of the stove in just his t-shirt and my underwear.

"Michael." I whined blushing harder not being able to move away from his gaze due to making something to eat.

"Paige." Michael whined walking over wrapping his arms around me from behind. I just giggled and tried my best to ignore his little touches that where trying to be more sexual.

"Michael I'm trying to make dinner." I squealed as he began to kiss my neck.

"How about we skip straight to dessert." He mumbled against my skin.

"How the hell are you still horny." I laughed continuing to make dinner.

"Always am when it comes to you." He replied resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I love you Michael but we can not be having sex constantly." I laughed.

"And why not? It's a good way to burn calories." He replied with a little bit of a whine in his voice.

"Because I have other things to do." I laughed. "I have to make food, go to work, hang out with Luke and eventually you'd get bored of it."

"I could never get bored of it." Michael replied kissing my cheek.

"I hope not." I laughed. "Hey baby can you grab some plates out of the cabinet for me?"

"Sure baby girl." Michael smiled and kissed my cheek once more before going over to get the plates for me.

"Thank you." I smiled and began dishing out dinner for the two of us.

"We're such college students." Michael laughed taking a bite of his mac & cheese.

"But you love it." I replied taking a bite of mine.

"True." Michael laughed. "See our meals are the reason we need to have sex all the time. Just so we can burn off the calories."

"Oh dear god." I laughed.

                       Luke's Pov

"Ready to go?" Ashton asked sitting in my room while I finished getting dressed.

"Yup." I replied while putting my leather jacket on.

"Tonight I am going to make it my goal to find you a girl so you can stop pouting all the time." Ashton laughed wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked to the car.

"Ashton please don't." I whined.

"I am and you can't tell me not too." He replied using his annoying tone that is pointless to argue with.

"I hate you." I mumbled getting in the car. Maybe he was right, maybe I just needed to just find a girl tonight and I'll feel better. I don't know how that will make me feel better but it might.

"You love me and you know it." Ashton laughed getting in the car.
The entire car ride we just jammed out to music. Both of us where dancing and singing our heads off like two idiots. Until we stopped in picked up Calum and Mitchy then we became four idiots.

Once we got to the club there was already a shit ton of people there and the music was extremely loud, it smelled of alcohol and drugs.

"Alright the plan is to get Luke laid tonight." Ashton laughed taking a drink of his beer.

"Sounds like a plan." Mitchy laughed taking a shot of whatever it was he had.

"Come on guys cut it out."  I whined looking around just taking in everything around me.

"Drink this and you'll soon be ok with it." Mitchy said handing me a glass.
I just groaned and chugged it down quickly. I didn't want to sleep with a random stranger but I also wanted to get Paige off my mind so I decided to drink with them.

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