vi | lazy bat mode

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A day after that doesn't get any better, I kept thinking about his manners towards me. Most people would not think about it the way I do, since they didn't went through what I through.

I stared blankly at the wall, blinking a few times before I did a yoga pose I called 'lazy bat' where I would flip upside down and and lean my back againts a wall for support. "Lorraine what the hell?" Anna who was from the kitchen spit out her tea.

Her eyes widened when she saw me in that position. "what?" I asked calmly, closing my eyes. "what are you doing?" she crossed her legs and sat beside me, sipping her tea. "thinking." Anna rolled her eyes.

"Like that?" she waved her finger towards me and furrowed her eyebrows. "Yes. It helps me think better." I said. "What are you thinking about? Is it Fred?" my face went red. "N-no of course not, I'm thinking about college. Yeah, I should attend college soon and get a job." I said quickly.

Anna smirked. "You were thinking about him don't you? Aw Lorraine you're cute!" she laughed. "I told you I wasn't!" I got up and stomped my way to my room while Anna kept laughing her head off in the living room.

"What is it with her? So what if I was thinking about Fred, it's not like it's forbidden or something!" I said to myself. I threw my self onto the bed and-again- staring blankly at the roof.

Suddenly my phone rings. I rolled out of bed and lazily crawl my way to my vanity where my phone is. I took the phone and had my jawline drop when I saw who's calling.


"Holy sh-" I stopped. I thought about him legit five minutes ago, and now he calls me? I shook my head. It's probably nothing.

"Hello?" I decided to answer the call. "Hey Lorraine, what's up?"

"nothing much. I'm doing nothing to be exact, why?"

"Wanna go out for ice cream?"

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