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i had grown worried after yoongi and taehyung had left for a while. i really have no idea where they went, but it seemed to be somewhere important or like they had to do something important. it's not like they know any more than us, though.

    just soon enough to make me stop worrying, yoongi and taehyung emerged from a small area to the left of where the rest of us stood. they glanced at each other, sighing, before trying to announce something to all of us. taehyung waved his arms around while faintly calling everyone over; yoongi just stood there.

"guys! hello! over here!" taehyung spoke louder than before, finally catching seokjin and namjoon's attention. jimin and i had noticed them from the start, and so had hoseok due to concern for where yoongi went. taehyung stopped waving around his arms after we all joined together, causing yoongi to look down as more of us came. it was understandable, the majority of people here disliked him for something in his past.

"we've figured something out," yoongi almost whispered in a more serious tone, which was different than his normal semi-serious tone. he finally perked up his head, making his fading blue hair bounce along with it. taehyung looked at him, as if it was all a play and yoongi forgot his lines. after that, he continued, "we're able to trick the system into getting us out of here."

i glanced behind me to see an extremely confused jimin, along with seokjin and namjoon who held the same expressions on their faces. none of them knew why we would want to get out of here, and i probably didn't know the half of it either. taehyung was just attacked by roses, who knows what else could happen?

    "the rose thing happened to me first, so if the simulation thought i was taehyung it means that in some way we can trick the system and possibly get us out of here." the expressions painted on everyone's faces varied, from taehyung's proud looks or seokjin and namjoon's same perplexed ones.

    "why do we need to get out of here? it's not like anything bad has happened," namjoon questioned, stepping closer to the two who had made the announcement. taehyung stared at him as if he was joking, while yoongi stood there patiently.

    don't listen.

    that voice was faint, that voice.

    don't listen.

    it was louder.

    "have you been paying attention at all?" taehyung suddenly snapped. namjoon stepping back a little to his original spot, seokjin staying by his side. taehyung looked distinctly angry, yes, but also like he was going to cry. his silver hair partially covered his face, which was tinted red in anger. his eyes appeared glassy, face still red. he didn't want to go through it again, whatever it was.

"hey hey uh, why don't we think of a plan first. you can explain later, we trust you," seokjin quickly stepped in, to prevent anything horrible from happening. taehyung scoffed, rolling his eyes and eventually landing them on me for whatever reason. he still seemed frustrated, but was better. he was better.

don't listen.



SIMULATION / BTS [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now