Part 1

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"Moooooom!" I cried, letting salty tears fall down my face.

"Moooo-" I started wailing again before being interrupted my by mothers sweet voice.

"Honey what's wrong?" She soothed, placing her arms around my small frame.

Sniffling I rubbed my noes. "J-Justin won't p-play with me. He s-said that I'm too little for big kid games."

"Aww sweety, let me talk to your brother for you." my mother said crouched down to my level, lovingly rubbing circles on my forehead with her thumb.

"Justin! Come here right now!" She yelled in the direction of his room, standing up with tension in her brows.

A small smirk crept on my face. Once again the fake tears had worked and I felt more triumphant than ever. Justin was gonna get it.

Justin sulked out of his room, his best friend, Oliver from next door, following close behind.

"Yes mom?!" He said looking impatiently up at our mum.

"You have to include your little sister."

"But mom-" my brother interjected, trying to plead with her.

"No buts mister. If you want to be allowed friends over than you have to include Taiya." She scolded, my brothers attention turning from my moms piercing stare to little ol' me standing beside her. I gave him a big toothy smile and stuck my tongue out joyously.

"Mom! Did you just see that?! Taiya just stuck her tongue out at me!" He exclaimed pointing at me and practically jumping up and down.

"Don't you dare accuse your little sister of doing such a thing." My mom said looking down at my tear stained eyes and fake pout that I quickly resumed. "She's only a little girl. She's too sweet to do anything mean like you Justin. Now why don't you all go play in the rec room together."

"But moooom!" Justin cried.

"Justin stop it right now!" My mom snapped.

"It's okay mommy. I don't have to play with them." I said looking up wide eyed at my mom. "I can just go help you make dinner."

"Aww look at how mature your sister is and she's only 7 years old! Lets go honey." My mom cooed, giving a disappointing glance over her shoulder at my brother.

My brother sighed, an angry look ground onto his face. "C'mon lets go." Oliver said as he gestured Justin towards the rec room.

When my mom entered the kitchen and became out of view, I stopped in the doorway and looked back at my brother. Being the cheeky little girl I am, I put my fingers to the side of my head and wiggled them at him while sticking my tongue out, blowing and making a noise between my tongue and lips. Rubbing in the fact that I had won, again.

Justin's eyes went red with anger, his cheeks puffing out. I knew right then I'd have to run as fast as my legs would take me any minute.

"TAIYAAAAAAA!" My name rang, belting from his lungs and bouncing off the walls. A giggle escaped my lips and the chase was on, my brother hot on my heels and a silly grin plastered on my face.

* * *

9 years later~

Strolling into the kitchen, I swung open the fridge. My stomach grumbled loudly like thunder and I hushed it. There's was not another time in the world that I was hungrier than after school. Also apparently this was the time our house was void of everything edible. Sighing, I grabbed the milk jug and slammed the fridge door.

Right as I was about to grab the chocolate Nesquik from the cupboard, my brother came sauntering in, Oliver right behind him.

"What's up yoyo?" By brother questioned, following the same steps I had and opened the fridge.

A glare crossed over my eyes as memories of my old nickname flooded back. Count on me to be the only girl in the world to give herself a black eye with a yoyo.

"Can you not call me that Justine." I said, using the only name I had against him, the taunting device the school kids use to chant when he walked into class.

Justin shot a dirty look to me and then another at Oliver when he heard him snicker along with me.

"So what is your lazy ass doing back home?" I asked, squeezing the bottle of Nesquik straight into the milk jug, shaking it up and taking a gulp of the sweet chocolatey goodness.

"Well.. I kinda sorta dropped out of college.." Justin croaked, his voice trailing off into a weak smile.

"Justin!" I exclaimed. "Moms going to flip when she finds out."

"That's just it.. She's not going to find out because I'm just on 'reading break' to her okay?"

Rolling my eyes I replied. "Fine. But your facade won't last long and when she starts to sense that something's wrong you're on your 21-year-old-dropout-butt alone."

"We'll see." Justin said cocking an eyebrow at me. "I mean you don't have to play along but then again I also don't have to keep covering for you when you're at parties and keep reassuring mom that you're the perfect little angel she thinks you are."

A curse rumbled from my lips. I hated that he had a point but I let it stand this time.

"Well it's been just dandy to have you home again brother." I said sarcastically. "Nice to see you too Oliver." I said trying to sound genuine. Oliver pursed his lips into a smile and produced a quiet response, something along the lines of "you two." That boy is practically family yet he always seems so awkward around me.

"Good to see you're still yourself Tay." My brother laughed back making a smile appear on my face.

As much as we teased and bugged each other, I loved my brother more that anyone in the world. And even though I was playing up my sarcastic teenage attitude it truly was good to have him back.

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