Part 3

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The loud bass drilled my body and the lyrics drowned my ears as we entered the club.

"You guys are brilliant!" My brother laughed as we found seats at the bar.

"Yeah that was impressive!" Oliver added, staring at me in particular.

I locked eyes with him, noticing again how handsome he was. Nervously, I averted my attention feeling the blood in my cheeks run hot. Why did he make me feel like this all of a sudden?

"Aw pfft! T'was nothing." Holly said brushing the comments off with humility.

"Can we get a round of vodka!" I shouted over the noise to the bartender, ready to party.

With a cheer and a clink of glasses we all downed the tingly liquid. A sense of euphoria began to fill my blood stream. After one more round of vodka and a rum and coke for myself, we all took to the dance floor.

I smiled as my body collided with my friends and strangers. It was such an incredible feeling. Just to know that everybody around you was here for the same reason, that we all just wanted to have a good time.

After a few songs I realized I had lost Everly and Holly somewhere in the crowd. I looked, stretching to my toes to peer above everyone and find them. Everly's radiant hair all of sudden sprung out at me. She had her arms around a boys neck and their body's were moving in sync. As they spun and grinded to the music the boy became more in view. His spiky hair reminded me of Justin's I thought absentminded to myself and as I got closer I realized that it was indeed my brother that Everly's thin arms were wrapped around. Rolling my eyes I went over to the bar, in need of another drink.

"2 Mojito's please." I said sitting down on a stool, my mind still thinking of my best friend with my brother, though not in shock but rather wondering why I hadn't seen this coming before.

Oliver's POV:

Pushing through the crowds I struggled to get to the bar. Although I was used to many frat parties in college I wasn't feeling the whole party vibe tonight. All I could think about was Taiya and her boyfriend exchanging saliva earlier today. It made me furious to see him treat her so juvenile, like she was his play thing. Finally making my way to the bar and desperately needing a drink to wash away my thoughts, I sat down.

"Strongest thing you've got." I asked. Knowing that, being lightweight and all, one hard drink would do the trick.

"Oli!" A voice chirped beside me.

I looked over to see skimpily dressed Taiya, her bouncy carmel hair cascading down her bare shoulders, walking over with a drink in her hand. My Adam's apple bobbed in my throat. Quickly I took a large gulp of my drink, hoping to knock the stuttered voice I get when I'm around her.

"Hey, what's up?" I said trying to be as casual a possible. Even though just moments before I was thinking of her.

"Not much stud. I'm just trying to shake the image of my brother grinding on my bestfriend." she laughed, shaking her head as if it would help.

"Well I'm glad he is having a good time."

"What about you, are you having fun?" She asked.

"Yeah I guess so." I shrugged.

"Justin told me Devon broke up with you. I'm sorry Oli."

Although I wanted to ring Justin's neck for telling Tay, I wanted her to think I was cool about her knowing.

"Yeah it sucks but hey life goes on." I replied.

"Let's dance." Taiya said pulling me up and on to the dance floor.

My shaky hands found their way around her waist, despite my nervousness. Me and Tay had never been this close in my life, hell I hadn't held a girl like this since Devon, and the whole situation made my heart pound faster than ever before.

Now I know there's the bro code and that little sisters are always off limits but I started to question it's validity if you happen to be the one who didn't make the first move. This was of course a stupid thought. Why would Taiya even consider me in the first place. We are like brother and sister. And besides that fact she is something incredible; she's spontaneous, a soul that leaps off bridges and bounds into life head on but me on the other hand, I prefer security, watching skydivers from the ground but never being the jumper. We just don't match and yet I had never felt like this about anybody before.

Seeing the way her eyes light up with each new song, her body getting lost in rhythm. So full of life and energy that it literally radiated from her, it's power pulsing my fingertips that just barely rested on her hips. She was like watching the sun. Wild, pure and bright.

I suddenly was brought out of my thoughts when I accidentally stepped on her foot wishing now more than ever that I knew how to dance.

"I'm so sorry, I have two left feet I swear." I apologized.

She produced a strained smile. "Don't even worry about it.. It's happened to me many a times but I still am surprised when it hurts like a bitch." She said laughing.

As she laughed a noticed a small dimple form on her cheek. "Woah, I've never noticed this before." I said, touching the part of her cheek where it was. "You have a dimple."

Taiya flushed bright cherry pink. "Yeah I guess I do." She smiled shyly.

It was now that I had the most sudden urge to sweep her up in my arms and kiss her like in movies. I wanted to profess my newfound love for her and shout it off rooftops to the world. I never wanted to let go of her, of this moment, this smile. Everything seemingly so perfect and enchanting.

And then it hit me. Hard, cold, knuckles right to my nose. My head tingled and my eyes saw spots. And then everything went black.

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