Part 2

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Oliver's POV:

Justin and I walked into the kitchen only to find Taiya pushed up against the counter by some creep, macking on his face. Her hands tangled in his overly-gelled hair, his somewhat kneading her butt, and the most saliva I had ever seen being shared between their lips. I shuttered in disgust.

"Ahem?!" Justin coughed giving a death glare to the kid violating his lil' sister.

"What." Taiya glared back, pulling away from her -what I gathered- boyfriend.

"Can he not like eat half your face off in front of us?"

I laughed but quickly stopped when Taiya sent me a piercing stare. God that girl and her dark eyes, sometimes they made you melt and other times I swore they could kill.

"Dylan was just going anyways." Taiya said, hinting at the boy to leave.

"Uh.. yeah, totally was just leaving. Bye babe, text me later." And with a wink and a tap to Taiya's ass he left, finally.

"Well he seemed like the biggest douche bag ever." I commented.

Taiya shrugged."He's hot though and gets me free beer."

"But did you smell him? Who needs to get high when you've got him sweating THC out of his pores." Justin said crinkling his noes.

"Eh, whatever.. He's a good in bed and plus it's fun being the only junior dating a college boy." Taiya replied, smacking on a fresh stick of gum and examining her fingernails.

Justin stiffened. I could tell he was uncomfortable with his little sister talking so candidly about her being intimate with this lousy dirtbag of a kid . It made me feel weird too,  not in a big brother type of way, but somehow I was envying this stupid pot head.

"So what are you two losers doing tonight?"

"Probably watching a movie at my place." I said, realizing only after that, for a Friday night, that sounded pretty lame.

"So you guys are free?" Taiya stated sarcastically.

"What do you want?" Justin questioned, folding his arms across his chest.

"Weeeeell me and my friends really want to get into a club tonight but you know the whole 16 year old thing and whatever gets in the way. Wanna help us out?" She asked, pouting her lips and giving puppy dog eyes to her brother.

"Fine. If it's cool with Oliver than it's cool with me." Justin replied with a sigh, looking at me for an answer.

A club was most definitely not my scene. Crowded, filthly, and impossible to hold a conversation with how incredibly loud they play the music. Taiya looked excited to go though, holding her breath for my response. At least I could try to forget about Devon there, I thought trying hard to convince myself this was a good choice.

 "Sure why not." I said at last.

"Eeeeep! Thank you!" Taiya squealed, wrapping her arms around her brother and then me with a squeeze. 

"You guys are the best!" 

"We know, we know." Justin said smiling. "Just no drinking till you puke and no drugs okay?"

"Yeah yeah, don't worry! We're going to have tons of fun.. you wont regret bringing me I promise, I'll make sure you have the time of your life." she assured me, pulling away from our hug so she was staring me directly in the eye.

My stomach did a flip flop as she let her fingers trail from my shoulder across my chest, letting them linger, her body pressing closer into mine. She nodded her head slowly as if to get my approval, teasing her bottom lip with her teeth. I didn't now whether to look away or hold her stare. Beads of sweat were forming at my temples. Although just seconds in time the moment felt like an eternity. I was aware of Justin's presence so starkly reminding me he was there. Then with a quick wink she pulled away from me. 

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