Chapter 15: Part 3

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Sure footed in his quick strides, confidence oozing from him in waves, Raphion led them stupendously forward. His feet slapped the worn cobbled floor, echoing loud across the still hall. They were truly alone. The Personal Pretender stood flush against Raphion's side as they walked, a giant among them.

Jaicous followed at a distance. Unlike the Prince, his steps were unsure and cautious. He didn't like this one bit. His instincts tingled in the pits of his stomach. Everything about it felt wrong. Watching the Prince in his element, through eyes narrowing every second, certain things became clear. Raphion had been here before, which came as no immediate surprise. Aishion and Gadara had been respective partners for many years. The Ancient King's Treaty of the Vale had held for hundreds of years, until their relationship fell sour and the war between the two began. As demanded of Royal Duty, The Prince and his court had visited other provinces yearly, as he had visited Jaicous' home city in Gadara many years ago. The same could be said for Lubaton Keep. However, Jaicous gave pause. The confidence which spilled from the Prince gave knowledge of the truth. Raphion had been here more times than on Royal visitation. To know the hall as he did, Raphion had to have been here more times than he ever should have.

Raphion took them to the base of the wall, beneath its adorned face of ancient relics, until they came across a simple crack in the stone. Jaicous stopped and looked himself. Although the crack was dark red, it blended with the rouge tapestry above, and as Raphion moved it aside with his good arm, Jaicous' eyes widened with fascination.

Alongside the wall, the crack ran as far as he could see. Hidden in plain sight, at the forefront, was a door.

"Incredible," Jaicous whispered, more to himself than to the Prince.

"Isn't it? I made it myself," Raphion gloated and pulled a lever which had popped out when Raphion moved the tapestry aside. Raphion gave the stone a shove and it groaned beneath his weight. "Give me a hand," he said.

Together they pushed, and eventually the door gave way with one final shove, revealing a narrow staircase shrouded in darkness. Cobwebs hung low and the air smelled stale.

"Where are we going?" Jaicous asked.

Raphion brushed a cobweb away and took a newly lit torch from the General. "You'll see," he said. Together, they followed a cobbled spiral staircase, the steps worn from hundreds of years of activity. His breath hung heavy in the ice cold air. 

They walked until they reached a door. Raphion turned to Osiris. "Do you have it?"

Osiris nodded and handed over a leather parcel. "It was sealed as per your request. This is the last key." 

Raphion took the parcel and quickly unwrapped the key. From where Jaicous stood, he could not see the key hole, but he heard the key turn and the lock give way and then watched as Raphion pocketed the key in one swift movement. 

"This way," Raphion directed.

The door was so low that Jaicous had to duck his head to pass the archway, and what greeted his sight nearly made him bash his head on it. 

"Bloody..." he trailed off. No words could match it. No words would give it justice. Before him lay the hall of halls. Stretched out in both corners of his vision, darkness giving way to more and more space. Where it ended he could not see. This was stuff of legends. 

The hall lay beneath the entire castle, stretched across the size of the keep and all the way up to the river. It was like nothing he had ever seen, nor imagined possible. 

"How is this possible?" he asked Raphion. 

"Your suitor is awed," Osiris chuckled. Jaicous faltered. How did Osiris know who he was? Why was Osiris here?  

"Yes," Raphion agreed. "Thank you for your help, Amir. Without you, the efforts for our new path would not be as defined. I have one last favour." Raphion paused, and looked at Jaicous with uncertainty. "I need you to take my suitor, and to imprison him at your Grandfathers," he finished in Gadarian. 

You bastard, Jaicous thought. He did not move. He could not let Raphion know his true language. He could not let Raphion understand who he truly was, and so he had to pretend he had not heard. But he had so many questions. Who truly was this man? 

"My lord, I respect your wishes, but I can not endanger your suitor," Amir said. He held out his hands and shook his head rigorously. 

"Amir, my friend. I know I ask a lot of you, but this needs to be done. I give you my permission and the permission of the King," the Prince said 

Jaicous could not believe his ears. He took a step back and faltered. 

"He will not go willingly," Raphion continued. "If he believes you are Osiris, and if he believes I am in danger, he will accompany you without question. But to do this, you must strike me, and hard." 

Raphion locked eyes with Jaicous. Within them, he saw sadness. 

Pale faced and alarmed eyes, Amir looked mortified. "My lord..."

"Do it!" Raphion snapped. 

Amir moved and without thought, Jaicous intercepted. 

"No!" he roared, in more fluent Gadarian than Raphion or Amir. "You will not strike him!" Jaicous snapped and smacked Amir across the face with a blowing punch. 

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