∘ ∗ Purple Lilacs ∗ ∘

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✽ Chapter One ✽

Dahyun POV

I hear a quiet creek come from a wooden door and I quickly snap out of my
daydream, realizing where I am. I see bunches of soft purple flowers sitting in shiny silver pots. These pots were only a small drop of water in the vibrant sea of flowers in front of me. The bouquets on display are perfectly wrapped in a gleaming, net of coloured fabric. Everything is orderly arranged on short wooden tables. The strong scent of flowers fills my lungs. This all may seem beautiful to you, but that's because you've never seen her.

She's too gorgeous to even explain. My words would never be enough to express her breathtaking beauty. Her wavy, soft almond hair perfectly complements her light oval face and bright smile. Oh, and her eyes are sweeter than ice cream.

She just makes my heart stop when she looks at me, it feels like I'm slowly melting into her grasp. I don't quite understand what my feelings towards her are because I can't even begin to explain them. We've only known each other for a short period of time yet, I have somehow developed a strong liking towards her.

She does things to me that I can't explain, that I don't want to explain because she's the only person to make me feel this way. It's special.  So, I'm glad I can't fully explain it. Even if I did, reading words on a page would be much different than feeling the way I do.

Her name is Minotozaki Sana. Although, there's no way she would know, no way she should know what my feeling towards her are. Once I fully figure them out I'd like to keep them to myself. She may think I'm weird and then maybe she'd never come to the flower shop again. I truly enjoy seeing her every day, I wouldn't give it up in a million years. No matter what. 

Every day, she comes here to draw flowers, she found out about this place because we go to the same university. We barely talked before she began coming here a few weeks ago mainly because I was honestly too shy to talk to someone as gorgeous as her.

I may not be very confident, but today I have decided to muster up the courage to give her a flower. For free of course, she buys something every day so I might as well right?  I mean maybe she would enjoy drawing it.

I picked out a special kind to give her, purple lilacs. They may not be anything special but they mean a lot and I hope she likes them.

"Dahyun~" I hear an energetic voice coo into my ear. In shock, I swiftly look around. "It's only me don't be afraid!" I now recognize the voice to be Sana's and she continues "I finished! Look I drew the new flower display!"

She holds up a gorgeous watercolour painting while flashing me the biggest smile. I swear I could almost feel myself drooling at the sight of her. She can be such a kid sometimes...she has paint all over her face.

"I love it but you have paint all over your face, how did you even do that?" I say while leaning forward to look at her.

"Oh yeah! It's a look right?" She poses and winks at me. My face immediately heats up and I can only pray that she doesn't notice.

"Y-yeah looks great," ugh I stuttered now she's definitely gonna notice. She smiles at me and places a few dollars in the tip box. "Cute! I'll see tomorrow, Dahyun!"

"Wait!" I suddenly cover my mouth realizing how loudly I shouted at her.

"Hmm? What is it?" She tilts her head and widens her hazel eyes.

"I have something for you..." I say while looking down, hoping that she won't notice my red face. I grab the lilac I was planning on giving her and hold it out with two hands.

"Wow really? That's so sweet Thank you!" She cups her hands around mine and I pass the flower to her. "It's gorgeous, I didn't expect you to do something so adorable Dahyun~." She leans closer to look at my face and I immediately become more flustered. She flashes me one last smile and leaves. Happily, she waves at me through the glass door.

Huh, she makes me so flustered. God knows, she'll be the death of me.

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