❄︎∘Amaryllises∘ ❄︎

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Chapter 3

(Okay so just to clarify this is set in Toronto, Canada and they are in university)

Dahyun POV

The cold hugs on to my hands, spreading across my light skin. My lips sting from the cold air and my teeth gently chatter together. I wrap my arms around myself. Cold breath escapes my lips. I crush the crystallized snow under my boots while rubbing my hands together. I stand and wait outside of the arts building, twirling my thumbs. The door creaks open and a shivering brunette steps out. She flinches as the icy air blows her hair back.

"Dahyun! I hope you haven't been waiting too long," Sana calls while walking towards me.

"No I just got here don't worry!" I smile. I love being around her but I never know what to do with all of my emotions.

"Ok! My dorm is nearby let's go," she links her arm around mine and leads me to her dorm building. My cheeks heat up, she's so warm. She opens the door to the building and my lungs are filled with the overwhelming scent of coffee.

"It's like 9 o'clock why are so many people drinking coffee?" I look over to a common room where a herd of tired looking girls, are typing ferociously and drinking huge cups of coffee.

"I think most of those people are studying for chem I hear the exams are really stressful,"

"Oh understandable...it's not like I'm any better at getting sleep."  I feel Sana tug at my sleeve and she unlocks the door.

"Tad-a not too shabby huh!"

"It's nice where's your roommate though?"

"Oh I think Momo went to go take some photos of Chaeyoung for a project...sorry my room isn't very warm, heating is expensive." She sits down behind a large blank canvas. "Oh! Did you bring any flowers,"

"Yeah let me get them out of my bag," I shove my hand into my yellow backpack and take out a bouquet of  amaryllises. "They are winter flowers so I thought they'd be good for Christmas,"

"They're gorgeous! Do you wanna start? I hope the chair isn't too uncomfortable for you." She smiles and points to a crisp white stool in front of her.

"Looks fine to me!" I position myself on to the stool and hold the flower with both hands. She starts to sketch and I can't help but get flustered from her looking at me this closely. I nervously shift in my chair for a couple hours before Sana gets tired.

"Let's call it a night I'm almost finished anyways," she yawns and walks towards me. Her hands cup my face and she pushes back my hair. My heart races and stops all at the same time. Her hands are warm and all I want to do is curl up into her embrace. "You can crash here if you want, it's too cold to walk back now," She whispers. I gulp and nod with burning cheeks. She yawns again and pulls me into a hug until we flop on to her bed. Subconsciously cuddling till we fall asleep. Her body is so warm it makes my heart melt.

Wooo I finally wrote a chapter! I know it was short but I will try and update soon. Sorry for not updating for a while but here's something! I've been really stressed lately but my assessments for this term are almost done. Please wish we luck on my English assessment and thank you for all the support! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

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