☆*Blue Irises*☆

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✽ Chapter Two ✽

Sana POV

"MOMO!" I shout while kicking the door to my dorm open.

"What? Is it the florist girl again?" She says while smirking at me.

"YES! She was so cute today!"

"You say that every day,"

"But today she was especially cute! Look she gave me a flower" I pull out the flower from my bag and present it to my roommate. "Isn't it gorgeous? I'm gonna start painting it in my sketchbook right away!" I stick my free hand into my bag to search for my sketchbook. The more trouble I have finding the book the more frantic I get. By this point, I drop everything and start to throw all my belongings out of my bag in a wild panic. I tip all my stuff out of my bag and my heart drops. Sweat trickles down the side of my forehead and I rummage through my bag in disbelief. I don't have my sketch book.

"SANA!" Momo shakes me and stares into my eyes, looking concerned and scared. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" She grabs my hands, while I feel my whole body start to shake.

"I left my sketchbook at the flower shop!" I say, almost in tears.

"What?! Why would you be worried about that I thought you lost your credit card or something! I mean you can't blame me for assuming something like that, it would be pretty in character for you," she says rubbing my arm.

"Momo you don't understand,"

"What don't I understand? Just go get it!"

"What if Dahyun sees it,"

"Oh no...Sana we have to leave now, I'm coming with you." She quickly grabs handfuls of my belongings and stuffs everything into my bag. Reaching her hand out, Momo helps me up and opens the door with her free hand. "Lets go...it's going to be alright. You got that?" I nod my head and we start bolting to the flower shop.

「time skip」

Sweating, Momo and I finally make it to the flower shop. Right now, I feel like my legs are going to give way but all I care about is my sketch book. I open the door to see Dahyun...looking through my sketch book with a red face. She suddenly looks up and gasps at me. All I can do is stand there...with Momo behind me, hoping that Dahyun will say something. But she says nothing.

"H-hi Dahyun...how's it going?" I say, practically shaking in my shoes.

"Sana..." She takes a deep breath and her cheeks become a darker shade of crimson red. "Are these drawings..of...m-me?" She looks down almost as if she was hoping she could disappear.

"Y-yeah...I just think...you're really beautiful!" She begins to helplessly to cover her cheeks with her hands. "Will you...model for me?!" I scream out of embarrassment, while I feel my cheeks heat up.


author's notes
Wow I actually got some readers! I'm actually really surprised that a few people care about my fanfic. I didn't really expect much when I published the first part so I didn't check it properly and there were a lot of mistakes (which I have now corrected please comment if I've made any mistakes in this chapter). Heh I'm kind of embarrassed I made so many mistakes the first time around so I'm trying to be more careful now. I know this part wasn't very long but I hope you enjoyed it 💗.

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