37; group chat: the musical

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also hey yall its my bday ay]


mini craig: ITS A+++++

daithi: oh shut up

daithi: you're pretty good too

mini craig: now that's where you're wrong buddy

something gay: shut the fuck up craig you have the highest voice in the group

mini craig: ,,,tru

tyler, the creator: what is happening

daithi: we're talking about choir

balloon boy: you guys are in choir?

daithi: no shit sherlock

evanoss: why are you in freaking choir

moose: it's freaking fun

evanoss: shut the freak up

mini craig: guys dont freaking swear

brain: shut the fuck up mini

lordtickledicks: wow way to be mean

milkbag: yeah brian tf

dathi: craig is crying now

mini craig: :(

brain: what the fuck is happening

something gay: this is a mess

something gay: i left for two minutes what happened

moose: we were talking about choir and now craig is crying

tyler, the creator: anyways who else in here is in choir

mini craig: me, brock, david, jon, anthony

daithi: wait evan you're not in choir

evanoss: no im in band u dumbo

daithi: oh shit youre right we're both in band

brain: how did you not remember that evan is in band

tyler, the creator: do you remember who else is in band

daithi: uh

daithi: craig?

mini craig: yeah and who else

daithi: shit

daithi: i dunno

tyler, the creator: me u fuck

daithi: i always have no idea what's happening around me okay

evanoss: yeah we can tell

evanoss: also our band is so dysfuctional

evanoss: its mostly guitars

tyler, the creator: forreal

tyler, the creator: im the only one who plays drums

smitty: nice

brain: i wish i was talented enough to play an instrument

lordtickledicks: me too

bill nay the science gay: you can kinda sing

lordtickledicks: you need to get your ears checked bc my singing voice is anything but good

tyler, the creator: speaking of singing

tyler, the creator: hsm marathon at my house who's coming

daithi: ME I LOVE HSM

smitty: count me in motherfucker

evanoss: hsm is my life

lordtickledicks: same

balloon boy: i think i heard hsm

daithi: you did

balloon boy: i'm coming k

lordtickledicks: me and steven are coming as well

bill nay the science gay: ...i didnt consent to this

lordtickledicks: i dont care you're coming

evanoss: brock and brian said that they'll try to come

tyler, the creator: try?

evanoss: they're on a date or smth

mini craig: aw

something gay: they're goals tbh

daithi: true

tyler, the creator: my otp

mini craig: fuck off they're my otp

tyler, the creator: wanna fucking go

mini craig: yes

tyler, the creator: on a date with me

mini craig: tyler we're already dating smh

lordtickledicks: okay now they're goals

balloon boy: can i bring some friends they love hsm too

tyler, the creator: yes sure

tyler, the creator: do i know them

balloon boy: it's anthony and scotty

tyler, the creator: oH

daithi: i dont think i know them

tyler, the creator: anthony is the transboy with the greatest laugh ever and scotty is the lil bitch that screams and swears a lot

daithi: ohhhh right yeah

something gay: i have a confession to make

something gay: i dont really like high school musical

evanoss: WHAT

something gay: i think lemonade mouth was better

tyler, the creator: how dare you

daithi: KICK HIM

smitty: i cant believe you smh

mini craig: i lowkey agree w/ jon

tyler, the creator: we're breaking up

mini craig: babe no

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