Let us Feast

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"I hope you know you're my best friend in the entire world."

I smiled. Mare was never the sappy type, but when you caught her in the right moment, you could get down to her squishy core of niceness and sweet compliments.

She was usually sarcastic or bitter, but if Mare's tummy was full. So was her heart.

It was First Friday, which would usually bring Mare down, but we got out of our jobs and school early so we were able to roam the town and maybe grab some food. We walked the streets, bustling with people, and graves anything our sticky fingers could get a hold of. We got apples, and bread, and Mare even snagged a few dried meats. It was time for a picnic!

We had made our way out of the more crowded parts of town to a grassy area to eat. We plopped down and feasted.

There was no talk, just chewing. Mare chomped of some meat while I stuffed my face with bread. Food always tasted better when you were hungry.

After chowing down for a few minutes, we slowed down a bit to chat back and forth while picking at the food.

"How's work?" Mare asked, obviously not interested but trying to carry the conversation.

"It's good. You done with classes yet?"

"Just gotta take a test and I'm outta there and into the Choke." She said emotionlessly, almost board.

"You can still get a job as an apprentice."

"Kilorn, you got one when we were 7. I'm way to far behind. I might as well follow the fate of my brothers before me and just go, and prey I don't die."

"Maybe I can help you," I said trying to raid her spirits.

"I doubt it," she replied mildly.

"You know, I'm not completely useless," I said chuckling. "Maybe you could get a job with me. It might take some convincing but I could always talk to me master."


"If you're up for it."

"Well its better than nothing. I'd rather smell like fish then smoke and gun powder and death," she said with her sarcastic tone slipping back into her words.

"That's the spirit!"

"I hope you know you're my best friend in the entire world," she laughed as she threw bread crumbs at me.

"Eh, you're alright," I said looking down.

"Oh shut up!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2017 ⏰

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