Orange Flowers

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Blind Specter had the Orange flower in his hand, dropping it into a slightly cracked vase he found while going to thank Cuphead and Mugman. The small cave he had moved into wasn't so bad, the only other thing was a chair in the corner that was to the right of the door- well, the entrance to the cave. Specter looked at the vase of flowers for a moment, with a blush starting to spread across his cheeks, but he shook it off. "He could never feel the same.." He mumbled to himself, before going to his chair and curling up in it, and falling asleep.

Cagney looked up at the stars, hoping that there would be at least one meteor would fall, so that he could wish on it. He had trouble focusing on anything else, his mind was always on that darn ghost. 'Why can't I get my mind off of him? That darn, stupid cute~- wait, NO!' Cagney fought with his own mind. Then he sighed. 'Maybe sleeping will help..' He thought, closing his eyes and drifting into sleep.

He seemed to wake up into fog, he could barely see in front of  him. But he heard mutters, as if someone was there. Cagney went towards the sound, cautiously looking around him. Then something tackled him. "Hey! Get off of me you.. thing!" Cagney turned his head to see Blind Specter, he had a huge, happy smile on his face. "Stop joking around, and get off of me, will you?" A dark blush was on his face, it was even obvious through all the fog that was in the air. Then Specter leaned down, before-

Cagney jolted his head up, almost gasping for air with an even darker blush on his face. 'It was.. a dream?' He realized, covering his face almost as if someone was there to see it.

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