Chapter 13

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May POV.

It is 10 a.m. and I am at OH in an office. There is a map on the table. Me along with several others surround the map. On the map there are borders, a mountain range, and our headquarters.

Patrick begins explaining. "We are in what used to be Utah. We are close to a very large lake, which used to be called Salt Lake. In these mountain ranges, which used to be called the Rocky Mountains, we have been slowly obtaining supplies, like weapons, food, water, and clothing. Here is our headquarters. We are right underneath the main hall of May's father's compound. He still has no idea. And we intend on keeping it this way. Over here is the nation. We are closest to the Exposed, which is the main government. This is convenient for us, because we don't have to travel across the nation to get to the government."

I take in everything he says. It is remarkable the amount of planning that has gone into this. I notice the map stops after the mountains. Is that the end of our land? It is so huge!

I want to pour everything I have into making the Drift a zone. I want to help them so much.

As he explains more about the location of the nation, i think of something that makes me get wide eyed. I am supposed to choose my zone in a matter of weeks. This General thing could take months!

I step back and sit down with my head in my hands.

"May?" Asks Beth.

My future is falling apart. How could I be so stupid to think that I could leave this job without any long term affects. If i don't choose, will I be forced to stay here? I begin to cry.

"May!" Exclaims Beth as she rushes over and holds me in her arms.

I manage to say, "i am supposed to choose my zone in a few weeks. I wont make it there. My future is gone."

"May, you can stay here with us. You will be happy." Assures Beth.

I look up at her and pull away. "This isnt what I wanted Beth! I had my future all set out! I was ready for my life in the nation. Now i am stuck out here, as a General! That's not me! I want to be safe and with my family!"

Beth looks hurt. "May, not everything that is planned out, actually happens. There are bumps in the roads and we have to learn to adjust. You can be happy here. I know you can."

"I just want to go home!" I get up and run out of the room sobbing. I run down the hall and turn down to a corridor I have never been in. I don't look back.

I cant stop crying. I haven't cried with this much pain before. I cried when I was taken away and when I lost Aiden. When I lost Colby. I feel like I cry all the time but all the pain I have been feeling has just replayed in my head over and over. The emotional and physical pain hurts so much I don't know how much longer I can take it all. I am breaking down and if I sink lower and lower, I will be broken and I wont be able to be fixed.

I just want my life back. I want my love back. I miss Aiden. I still love him after our fight. I know he must want nothing to do with me, but i just wish he would show up and take me back to the good days, where we could be happy and not worry about life and death. I feel I am dead emotionally. Soon, I could be dead physically.

But I know that isn't happening, that he isn't coming. I know I lost him forever.

I don't know where I am in this building but I don't care. I don't want to be found.

Suddenly I hear voices. I stop my sobs so they don't hear me.

"She is just 17. How could we put all of this pressure on her?" Says Beth.

"She is strong. She could shut anyone down if she wanted to. She is just heartbroken. She wants the love that her friends and family gave her. But most of all, she needs the boy. If we give her the boy, she will be strong, and she will help us." Says Patrick.

"How do we get the boy to her?" Asks Beth.

"I don't know. But we just need him to make her strong, so she can give us what we need. She is just 17 but she can be manipulative and that is what we need. We need her to carry out her actions so we will come out on top. I don't care what happens to her, we just need to get into their government." Concluded Patrick.

I clench my fists. I am furious. They are just using me to get into the government? They dont care about me? I am angry. I feel like I am more alone then ever. But Patrick is right.

AI am strong. And I will shut them down.


Aiden POV.

I am leaving today to get her. I don't care what the doctor says, I am driving. I walk into Zach's room and find him listening to music. He pulls out his earbuds.

"I have an address. But I don't want you to drive me. I want to drive myself. I need to use your car. If anything happens to it, I will buy you a new one just let me take it to find May."

"I thought you didnt love her."

"It doesnt matter what you know about my relationship with her, but I still need to go after her."

"I heard you yelling last night." States Zach.

"I need to apologize. I dont know how I feel but I just need her."

"Fine. You can use my car. What do you want your cover to be?"

"I am going to Adam's cabin for a weekend party."

"What if you are gone longer than that?"

"I wont be."

Zach tosses me his keys. I nod at him and walk out the door. In my hand I have a tooth brush, tooth paste, and extra clothes. I brought some food too. I pack his car and plug in the address in the GPS. I drive away.

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