Chapter 30

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May POV.

9:30 a.m.

As soon as Aiden is out of sight, my dad my arm tightly and pulls me into an office.

"Sit." Says my father while he looks the door.

I am nervous.

"I don't know what to say. Should I be mad that you left or relieved that you are back?"

I don't answer.

"Why? why did you leave? I gave you everything."

I still don't say a word.

"May, can you answer me?" my father is getting frustrated.

"I was trapped." I say softly.

"Trapped? I gave you so much freedom!"

I look him in the eyes "I was kidnapped and locked away. But that is not the worst of it." I stand up and face him. "I am trapped inside of this rebellion."

"But you are the rebellion!" he exclaims.

"What?" I don't want this to be all I am.

"May means rebellion, in the Hebrew meaning."

"What does this have to do with any-"

I cut myself off. He planned this from the very beginning.

I was born to do this.

I am the rebellion.

"May you have been prepared for this your whole life. The chemicals in your yard are different then in the chemicals in your neighbors yard. These chemicals alter you. They change you. They make you heal fast. They put thoughts in your head. They make you dangerous. You are the rebellion."

I sit down. I promised myself that they wouldn't change me, but they already have.

"So I'm just some science experiment?" I say sadly. I can't even look at him.

"No. You are much more than that. You are the one who change world. I have just given you the tools to do so. That's all."

He acts like it is no big deal. But it is.

Chemicals made who I am. I am disgusted.

"I am leaving now." I get up to go.

"Wait May."

"What?" I snap.

"Why did you come back?"

"I came back because I found Patrick and I am going to the nation. I will bring peace. I will stop this war. Is there anything you would like to happen?"

Why am I even asking him what he wants?

"I want to the Drift to be part of the nation." He says confidently.

"Okay. Bye." I walk out the door and begin to my room, where I said I would meet him.


Once I get to those glass doors, a smile comes to my face. I open them and walk in.

I immediately jump onto my bed and wrap the covers around me. This bed is way more comfortable then Marshall's old car, which Aiden stole.

I instantly fall asleep.


I wake to hushed voices.

"She's sleeping. don't wake her up you idiot." Yep that's definitely Aiden, the love of my life.

"She's so peaceful, and beautiful," said Colby. He is still an Exposed.

"Yeah, and she's also my girlfriend," says Aiden. Well that shut Colby up.

It's strange to hear the word girlfriend. The word is too small for us now. Aiden and I are much more than that now.

I flutter my eyes awake and sit up. My hair is all over the place.

"Hey sleeping beauty," says Aiden with a smile on his face. Actually, he looks more like he is gonna laugh.

Aiden walks over to me.

"Shut up," I say playfully.

I close my eyes as his soft lips press against my cheek.

"You know, we haven't that much couple stuff," says Aiden. I didn't even realize he pulled away.

I wish he didn't.

I open my eyes and say, "Yeah your right." when I look at him, I get butterflies in my stomach.

I felt this way on our first night on the beach. I have felt affection for him this whole time. But it has never this bad. Well, not bad, but strong.

Even after all we have been through, this feeling is like how I felt when I first kissed him.

My eyes widen as it all becomes clear. I want to be with him forever and ever.

I know I want to marry him for sure now. I know I want him to be the father of my children because he will always protect them like he protected me.

"Thank you," I say softly.

He leans in close to me. "For what?"

"For everything." My eyes are still on him and I can't pull then away. He is a Magnetized after all.

He notices the look on my face,"what?" Aiden says as he cracks a smile.

I smile too. "Nothing."

He raises his eyes at me, "oh really?"

I blush and look down.

"Come on, let's go." Aiden says. His face is inches away from mine. "Anywhere."

"Okay." Aiden scoops me up from the bed and turns to face Colby.

"Yeah guys? yeah hey. Umm where should I go?" Colby asks.

"I don't know. But we are kind of busy right now so we will back to you later." Aiden says confidently.

"Uh ok?" Colby looks completely confused. He walks out the door.

We don't answer and then walk to the balcony.

Aiden sets me down and closes the glass doors. I walk over to the balcony and look out at the view. It is spectacular.

Aiden walks up to the railing and places his hands near mine.

"So what kind of couple stuff do you wanna do?" Asks Aiden.

"Umm I don't know. How much time do we have?" I ask.

"A while." Aiden says casually.

I am freaking out. I want him to want me right now. But it doesn't seem like he does.

I just ignore the though and promise myself that later, it will happen.


Aiden POV.

I don't know why but all day i think about May and I.

Ever since this morning, I have been thinking about moving our relationship forward.

I can't even take it anymore. I want her so bad.

The thing is that she told me that we need to wait. That I need to be patient. I have been trying to, I really have.

But I can't. I can't wait any longer.

As we stand out by the balcony, our hands almost touching, I think, no I know, that this is the perfect time to tell her how I feel.

To tell her I want to marry her.

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