Dedication to Sutherland Baptist Church

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Tears fill my eyes with thoughts of anger
And how this world is in need of a savior
It seems all we know is pride and competition
A never ending cycle of envy and resentment
Why can't we just stay in our own lanes
And search within for greater gain
Besides the love of power and wealth
And consider others as we would ourselves
Why all the pointless gun violence
Why must we be indifferent and silent
Why can't we all move on from past hurt
And just place bandaids over our hearts
The need to dish out the pain we feel
Only opens the door for more mental Hell
Let's free ourselves from the disease called hate
And not try to control another's fate
Love in our hearts is all we need
To survive a world injustice and greed
So do yourselves a favor and spread love
And pray for protection from the Lord above

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