Hashtag #Me Too

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My body is my body
Look but please don't touch
Although you like what you see
It's chastened for my true love

Love which can be verified
And shown through genuine actions
Nothing extra on the side
For carnal satisfaction

Spoken words can be daggers
To a human soul and psyche
The word no is simple and standard
But we're still protesting and fighting

To have our voices heard
And our stories believed
And to pass out bandaids
To every victim of rape

Our president regulates it
And most cops will not defend
Resorting to victim blaming
That causes your head to spin

Left with the mental bruises
And demolished self esteem
Which is very conducive
To increases in prostitution

The land of the free
That imposes poverty
On those who weren't handed fortunes
Or aren't overpowered by greed

The home of the brave
Where everyone needs a slave
No such thing as human rights
Quick to record street fights

No protection, no justice
Left to figure out
Who can and cannot be trusted
While loving with open hearts

Yes I'm ranting and raving
Something that must be done
If it's this world I plan on saving
These healing words must come out

Dedication Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora