This Interesting Man

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Chapter 1: Unusual morning.

You're rushing down the two flights of stairs to the front door of your apartment building. You're about to miss breakfast at your favourite restaurant, so already your day-to-day usual schedule was out of whack. Nearly missing the bus, you calmly wait in your usual seat, next to the usual window, like any other usual day.

Almost 11 o'clock now, you jump off the bus in front of a small family owned business. An elderly women, who owned the restaurant, greeted you at the door like every usual day. "You're late.." She said teasingly. "Oh, yes Reneé, I know." you smile at her. As she leads you to your usual spot, next to the usual women and her husband, who for some reason was missing today. Taking their place, was a lone man. He was wearing a rather dashing suit. You decide it's not very important, and order your usual breakfast. The usual younger man brought you your food, you thanked the young boy (who can't be any older that fourteen) for your meal, and he cast a flirting smile. You roll your eyes and humor him, like any other usual day. You take the first bite. And you realise- something's different.

Was it the food?

Was it the time?

Or was it that the couple who usually sat in the table across from you was missing? You vaguely chewed your food. Having no where to go until one thirty, you decide to stay at the resturaunt. You help the family clean up a bit. Just like any other usual day.

But the man was still there.

Still at this resturaunt, which was, indeed, highly unusual.

You look at him with a raised eyebrow. He glances around where you're standing, and you blush and look away. He stood up, showing his long legs, and his massive height. He paid Reneé in advanced. Her long face looked up at him and she smiled sweely, and handed him back his change. "No no, ma'am. Keep it." he said in a very charming English accent. That wasn't so unusual, considering you lived in England.

"The food was spectacular," He said to the elderly man behind the counter in the kitchen."best breakfast I've had in years!" The man he addressed was Reneè's husband, and he smiled and nodded his head.

"Thank you for serving me." The tall man said tenderly to the young boy. The stranger looked at you and smiled.

"Have a lovely day, miss." and he started out the door. "I'll be back tomorrow, ma'am." he said to Reneé just before leaving. Glancing at me once more, he left. What an unusual day..


Your unusual morning was followed by a rather unusual afternoon. You leave the restaurant by eleven forty-five. You head back to your usual bus stop, and wait for the bus. It arrives in ten minutes, and you greet the bus driver like any other usual afternoon. You take your usual spot.

You make it to your apartment building by twelve o'six and slowly walk up the two flights. You take your key out and unlock your door and walk inside. It was a four roomed area. One sleeping chamber, main room, kitchen, and bathroom. Everything was very orderly. You liked it. You went out the the balcony, and stared out to the city, the afternoon sun cast a large ray of light across the city. It was quite pretty. The air smelled of crisp autumn air and- what's that? Is that... Apple crumble pudding? You think to yourself. How unusual... Then you remember your old neighbours had moved out, and someone new had moved in. "I guess the new neighbour likes pudding.." you quietly say to yourself, going back inside. It's now twelve fourteen and you get dressed in more official clothing. You change out of your jeans and t-shirt, and slip into a long black pencil skirt, white dress shirt, and a big, long, warm trench coat. It was cold outside despite the sun.

You twist up your long hair in a loose bun, and placed two pairs of heels in front of you, deciding which ones to wear. You decide on the short shiny black ones. You grab a suitcase, and head out the door.

It's one o'clock right now, and you have to be at work in thirty minutes. You speedily walk down the steps and wait at the bus stop for twelve minutes. The bus arrives, and you jump on and make it to your destination by one twenty. You rush into the nearby coffee shop, buy a big cup of your favourite hot beverage and bustle into the big, white building where you work. You make it on time. Your boss, who was a loud and obnoxious man, greeted you when you reached your floor. You smile and rush past him, not necessarily wanting to start conversation with him. "Good afternoon, Mr. Logan." you say politely, still walking at a brisk pace, and plop into a chair in one of the cubicles.

You log in on the computer. And immediately you begin typing a progress report. After thirty-two minutes, you print it out. You've been working on that for two days, and you felt relieved that you finished it. You finish your coffee, and now craved tea. Deciding that you worked very hard and earned a bit of a rest, and walk into the break room. You get a doughnut from a large box that was usually there. You get some hot water in a big mug you brought with you. You get some tea leaves and soak them in for a bit. You head back to your cubicle, then suddenly burst into a solid wall of man. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" you say hurriedly, rubbing napkins all over this mans white shirt, trying desperately to clean it off. You hear a little laugh and you stop, and you hung your head.

"I... Am so sorry..." you say slowly, scared to see who you poured tea all over. The man grabs your shoulder, and tries to look you in the eyes, but you don't notice.

"Hey, it's fine. I have more shirts" he laughed. He picked up your head with his hand. The first thing you notice is his eyes. They where like cool, clear, clean oceans. They where beautiful. He smiled at you, and you awkwardly smile back. You recognise him as the man at the restaurant, and you feel a little more awkward about it.

"Are you okay now, miss?" he asks with a laugh.

"O-oh yes.. Of course.. S-sorry..." you stammer meekly. Still trying to wipe the tea off, the man walks off. You blindly make your way back to your cubicle. "Oh... Good lord..." you say to yourself, remembering those eyes..

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