Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: playfulness

After the touchy-feely love episode of emotions and self pity and blame, Tom and you got restless and bored, sitting there, staring at the twinkling light down below. You get out of the car, giving Tom a some sort of determined look.

"What is it, love?" Tom looks at you with confusion in his eyes.  

"Get up." you demand. Tom raises an eyebrow at you, and does what he's told.

"Why am I doing this?" he asked. You stomp in front of him, raise an eyebrow and stare up at him. Then, you poke him hard in the chest with your index finger.

"Tom Hiddleston.." you start, in a little of an angry voice. Tom looked down at you with wide eyes, and raised eyebrows.

"You..." you explain, poking him in the chest again.

"Are..." Tom looked down at you, looking at you as though you're crazy.

"It." you declared dramatically, then run away around the car. Tom laughed, now understanding what was happening, and chased after you. Though, you were too fast for him; or he just let you feel that way. You run and hide behind a tree. After a while of silence, you get a bit worried. You step out from behind the tree, and look left and right.

"Tom...?" you ask, hoping for an answer. Nothing.  

"Tom?" you say a little louder. Suddenly you feel someone grabbing your waist, then rushing off. You let out a squeal and look around.

"You're it!!" you see Tom dashing near the car again.

"You scared me!" you shouted like a child. Tom replied with a laugh. You race after him. He 'let' you catch him, and you grab his hips and lay on the ground. Tom lands on top of you, and kissed you gently. You giggle, and stand back up. You notice how cold it's getting. Not to mention that you changed from your fancy dress into a tank top and short skirt. Even Tom was shivering slightly. He too, had changed. Then you tap Tom again, running around in attempt to get warm again. Then, you look up at the sky, and Tom bumps into you. He glances up at the sky with you. You see something float down, and land on your nose. It was.. Snow! It was snowing!  

"Tom!" you shout, turning around and grabbing his hands.

"It's snowing!" you declare like an excited child. Even Toms' face shone with excitement.

"Well, I guess that means we have to go back home.." Tom said grimly.  

"Why so mad?" you pout.  

"I wanted to spend the night under the stars with you." Tom said romantically.

"Dang, Thomas! You just really have a thing for romance and crap, don't you?" you smile at Tom.

"Is that bad?" Tom said, looking at you with his large puppydog eyes.

"Not necessarily.. It's just you don't need to be all mushy all the time... It's ok to be rough every now and then." you wink at him.  

"Rough?" Tom raised an eyebrow. You nodded your head. Then Tom chuckled and smacked you on your ass.

"Tom! Not now!" you hit him lightly on his arm.

"We're in public!" you hiss at him. Tom laughed and looked around.

"Babe, no ones here..."

"There's always a possibility! Now, it's super cold. Let's go." you wiggle out of his arms and jump in the car. Tom pouted, hung his head and stepped into the drivers seat. Tom puts the roof of the car up, and drives down hill. By the time you two reach your domain, the city was covered in snow. You run inside, and dash back out with gloves, hats, coats, and scarfs. You toss Tom some warm clothing, and throw on your own.  

"What's this for?" Tom asked, slowly putting some of the gloves you gave him on.  

"I'd think you'd know.." you said mysteriously. After Tom had put on all of his winter clothing, he started messing with the car. You pelted him with a snowball, and giggled. He gave a huffy sigh, put a hand on his hip, all sassy like, and said;

"Excuse me?" in an awkward womanly voice. You stepped back and threw another snowball. Tom made a face and bent down, only to be hit by more snowballs.  

"Hiding won't help you!" you shouted playfully at him. Then he arose, arms full of snowballs. You raise your hands up and step back.

"Dude, Tom, I was only playing..." before you could say anything else, would were bombarded by a storm of snowballs.

"Ack! Ok! Ok!" you shout, shielding you face.  

"You win! You win!" you shout. Tom drops the snowballs and and sits next to you. He kissed you gently on your nose. You blush and bolt up, throwing snowballs at him.

"Haha! Sucker! Believing the clever betrayal of a defenseless women..." you boast with confidence. Tom looked up at you with his puppydog eyes, pretend hurt crawling inside of them. You bent down, grabbed his hands and kissed him passionately. You actually felt Toms' face burn red.  

"Are you blushing?" you smile, your lips still on his. He does the same.

"I love you." he whispered in your ear. You told him the same, just before you grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it down the back of his shirt. He responded in various wiggles, jumps, and strange noises.

"No fair!" he shouted, still trying to get the snow out.

"You used your feminine charm to trick me! Again!" then, finally, Tom sat down on the patio and pouted.  

"Aw, Tom," you start, walking toward him.

"You know I'm just playing!" you try to convince him. Tom glanced at you with his puppydog eyes, and looked to the ground again. You put an arm around him, and kissed his cheek gently.

"Baby, don't be so upset." Tom told you. You looked at him curiously.

"What?" you look at Tom as though he's a loon.

"Don't be upset... When I... Do this!" Tom landed a giant heap of snow all over your body. Most of it went down the front and back of your shirt.  

"Ack! Thomas! I cannot believe you used you adorable innocents to trick me!" you shouted, mocking the way he yelled at you. Tom giggled and laughed at your crazy dances in attempt to get the snow out. After you did, you put your hands in the air in defeat.

"Ok, ok, Tom," you walk closer to him.

"I'm unarmed, and unwilling to attack you..." he stepped back abruptly, and saw when you had nothing in your hands, he let down his guard.

"I'm getting tired, and cold." you whine to him. He smiled and held you in his arms.

"Yeah, me too. How about we go inside and uh.. Warm ourselves up?" Tom winked at you and smacked your butt again. You gave him a look, smiled, then turned to walk away. Once you reached the doorstep, Tom caught up with you, but only to smack your behind again.  

"Thomas! We're in public!" you hissed at him again.

"Who is watching?" he smiled, and followed you inside.

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