1st Chapter ~ Arrival

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1st Chapter

~Mamoru POV~


I walked down the busy roads of Proli. Lots of people were hurrying to work or going to school just like me. The sun was shinning so bright.

I walked for a while and finally found the front of the school.

Treckland High school

I hummed carefully to myself and stood in the sun for a few seconds, looking at the green grass and beautiful flowers outside the school.

I hummed carefully to myself and stood in the sun for a few seconds, looking at the green grass and beautiful flowers outside the school

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Thats weird... It looked like there was just city here... I thought, finding that there was plenty of trees and plants in some of the neighborhoods nearby. Lots of sidewalks and trees.

I then walked inside, the office was beside me and lots of green and blue colors were around. It was clearly the schools colors. Our school was the Wildcats. I walked inside the office to get my dorm number and set all of my luggage in my room... And also get to meet who will be my roomates...

"Excuse me? Can I help you?" The lady said behind the desk. She looked at me wiith a concerned look. I must've spaced out again.

"Ohh... I'm Mamoru Ryuu could you give me my dorm number and schedule please?" I asked as politely as possible and smiled.

"Yes, here is your schedule and your room." She said and handed me a key card. I checked the papers for a few seconds. Then waved to the lady with a smile and ran over to the stairs on my left.

Room 236...

Lots of hallways and doors, as I carried my backpack and luggage. Although it was all heavy I ran to my dorm quickly so I could prepare for my classes. Although I already knew they would take it easy, after all it was the first day.

Suddenly I spotted a girl on the floor picking up colored pencils and putting them in her case. I stopped and knelt beside her.

"You need help?" I asked. She looked up at me and immediately blushed.

"O-ohh... Thank you, I-im fine!!" She stuttered and picked up the last pencil and shut her case, grabbing her sketchbook beside her. Suddenly I visioned out... Her brown hair turned blue. And I saw her differently. A fish was swimming in the air beside her and she was holding a bubble.

Confused, I got out of the vision and saw she was gone

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Confused, I got out of the vision and saw she was gone. I spaced out again... Sorta. So I got up and started running again.
As soon as I saw my number I stopped. I put the keycard up to it and walked inside.


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