15 Things About You

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This is going to sound really weird but I want all you guys reading this to make a list of fifteen things about yourself! Here's mine below.

1. My name is Dammia Brosnan.

2. I have two middle names.

3. I am a Percy Jackson (pjo & hoo) fan.

4. I am one of the weirdest people you will ever meet!

5. I have had two hermit crabs. They both died...

6. I love to dance but hate the make-up that you have to wear for performances.

7. I refuse to eat 'fishy fish'. The ones that taste like fish... But I will eat prawns by the bucket load.

8. I love to get 'dirty'. I play sports, garden and mow our lawn.

9. For my thirteenth birthday party I hired out laser tag guns and ran around my back yard with my friends shooting each other.

10. I want to be a tour guide when I graduate.

11. I have horrible spelling.

12. I hate proof reading but I love to write.

13. I value every reader, every comment, and every follower because it shows that I'm not a total flunk at writing.

14. Although I don't normally show it, I am a third wheel to every friendship. It bothers me but I understand that I am me and that I can't be accepted into a proper friendship.

15. My boyfriend and I have been 'dating' for three years but never kissed on the lips or gone on an actual date together.

Now it's your turn! I wanna know some weird and wonderful stuff about you!

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