Chapter 6

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[Baekhyun's POV]

I went out for a minute to clear my mind. As usual, fresh air helps me relax.

There are too many questions in my head left unanswered. I thought it'll stop if I just relax my mind and maintain a good condition but it didn't. This is not normal anymore. Should I go see a psychiatrist?

While walking, I saw grandma Jiyoung with many black bags on her hands. She's been our neighbor ever since I was a child so we've known each other for years.

"Grandma, hello!"

"Hello Baekhyun."

"How are you doing?"

"I'm still alive. Hahaha."

I laughed because of her joke. She is such a witty person even at her age. I helped her with her stuff when something popped in my mind. Should I ask her about Goryeo dynasty? She probably has an idea.

"Grandma Jiyoung, may I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Can you tell me something about Goryeo dynasty?"

"Goryeo dynasty? Ofcourse. But, why are you suddenly curious?"

"I saw something in the television about Goryeo and it just got me curious"

"Well, to be honest, I only know a little bit. Hmm. Wang Geon, the founder of Goryeo which is King Taejo, a descendant of Goguryeo, and traced his ancestry to a noble Goguryeo clan. The crown prince named Wang Moo who later became King Hyejong and the 3rd Prince named Wang Yo who later became King Jeongjong. But both of them died early that's why their reign in Goryeo were very short. And the King became Gwangjong which is the 4th prince Wang So."

"Wang Moo? Wang Yo? Wang So?"


Those names, it's quite familiar. Did I hear it somewhere? Probably when I was still in school.

 Did I hear it somewhere? Probably when I was still in school

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I stopped on my track when I saw three visuals. Did I just saw their faces? Wang Moo? Wang Yo was holding an arrow. Is he the one I saw before? Creepy. And Wang So is..... waving? The fuck. It's even more creepy!

"Baekhyun, are you okay?"

"Huh? Ah, yes grandma. Please continue."

"King Taejo had many sons and one daughter. Wang Moo, Wang Yo, Wang So, Wang Wook, Wang Won, Baek Ah, Wang Jung and Yeonhwa, his only daughter...

Ah! Wang Eun. The 10th prince. I almost forgot him."

"What? Wang Eun?"

Did I heart it right? Wang Eun?

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