Chapter 18 A shelter for the wind

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The stables were quiet, except for the occasional rustling of straw.
Milena patted Thor's neck. The big horse snorted, but otherwise ignored her.

Milena sighed. She had managed to slip out of the house without being seen. She couldn't face anyone right now.

"Careful," a young voice said to her right and she jumped. "Sorry," the boy said, "I didn't mean to startle you, but the horse has a temper. You could get hurt."

Milena blinked surprised when she recognized the boy as Harun, who had helped her last night. What was he doing here at the Blackwood Estate?

Harun smiled back and turned to the horse again. "I haven't seen him so calm before," he spoke surprised. He had seen the horse several times when the young lord had visited at the Caldwell Mansion. How could the animal be so docile now?

Milena smiled at him again and he wondered why she didn't say anything. She hadn't screamed for help last night either and even as the crowd had gathered, and the young lord Blackwood had questioned her, she had remained silent.
"Are you mute?" he blurted out and he flinched, "Forgive me, Miss. That was too forward of me."

Milena shook her head and smiled at him kindly. Now that she had daylight, his features were better visible. There was certainly traveler blood in him, but she could see some gadje too.
That answered her question on how he had come to work for a gadje family. One of his parents, most likely his mother, had been of the traveler people. The kumpania* must have cast her out after having taken a liking to a gadje* man.

Still, it was good to see familiar features again.

She reached out a hand to touch his cheek, but hesitated.

"It's fine," he murmured, "I'm only a half blood, so you won't be breaking any rules."

She offered him a sad smile.
"My mother was from the traveling people," he continued, "but she fell in love with my father. He came to visit the horse market and that's when he noticed her. He was a bit of a drifter himself, so he decided to follow them so he could see her again. When my mother's family found out, they chased him away and forbade my mother to come near him, but she ran away with him instead."
He hesitated again, not wanting to pry, but utterly curious. "Was it like that for you?"

Milena's eyes grew wide and her cheeks turned red. She vividly shook her head. Was he implying what she thought he was?

Of course, she should have realized sooner that people would come to that conclusion.

Harun blushed too, embarrassed. "Oh, forgive me. I assumed..."

Milena bit her lip and shook her head again.

Harun nodded. "Alright." He nodded at the horse. "I... need to saddle him up. Lord Blackwood wishes to make a ride."

Milena nodded and stepped aside so Harun could enter the stall. He started brushing the animal in much the same manner as Laszlo would do.
After a moment of hesitation, Milena picked up another brush and joined Harun.

The boy glanced at her briefly, but then smiled comforting.

Neither of them noticed Daniel's arrival until he spoke.

"So much teamwork."

Milena flinched at the sound of his voice, but quickly recovered.

Daniel smiled. "I don't think he's ever had this much attention. He'll get conceited."

Harun eyed his new employer carefully. The girl may not be involved with this young lord, he obviously did hold affection for her.

He put down the brush to fetch the saddle.

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