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September 3, 2017 - Post Outbreak

Toula sits, quietly waiting in the changeroom with her class. Everyone knows the rule is to go to the nearest classroom if a lockdown occurs during a gym class, but for some reason, the teacher decided it was best to just stay put. As the students sit in silence, Toula could see Mrs. MacArthur, the gym teacher, tapping her hand furiously against the wall. After a few minutes, she turns around to face Toula.

"Toula!" Mrs. MacArthur motions Toula to come over.


"Take this," Mrs. MacArthur says as she takes out what appears to be a gas mask out of her bag and shakily hands it over to the girl.

"Leave, before we're all trapped here."


"I can't save everyone. But I'd be satisfied if the least I could do is save you." Mrs. MacArthur meet Toula's eyes, tears forming at the corners of her own, "Please. Toula. Take your friends and get out of here. Find a group. Find your families or anyone else you can trust. Just go. Get out safely..." she opens the door of the change room and shoves Toula out, the girl still only processing her teacher's words. "Go! It's almost too late."

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