Chapter 9 - Eden

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[September 4, 2017]

"You're finally awake." Serena whispers, pressing a cold, moist handkerchief onto Eden's forehead.

"Wha...?" Eden wakes, confused and dizzy with a bitter taste in her mouth, "What time is it?"

She begins to sit up, leaning against the cold bark of the tree. She slowly opens her eyes, observing her surroundings. "The sun." she puts two and two together, assuming a time, "It's five in the morning."

"Well it would be six if you don't sober up and start working." Serena says, smiling.

"What?" Eden asks, trying to stand up, but ends up falling over, rubbing her temple with her hand.

"You forgot about last night?"

"Last night?" Eden questions, unable to recall anything that happened the night before. The last thing she remembered was being deep in thought before falling asleep. "Speaking of which...Rachel!" Eden looks around, trying to find Rachel. Rachel was supposed to wake Eden up at three in the morning so that Eden would be able to take the second shift of the night.

After a while of searching, she catches sight of Rachel, passed out by a nearby tree, her rifle still clenched in her fists.

Rachel's serious with her duties. She knows her duty and she wouldn't fall asleep just like that. Eden tries to think of other reasons, but her deep thoughts are interrupted by Serena.

"Hey, don't worry. She tried to wake you up, but you were out cold after the events of last night. I was feeling okay, so I took the took the shift on behalf of you." Serena pats Eden on the shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile.

"I appreciate it, but you can't just do that. It's my duty and I failed to do it. Anyways. You're sick. You should be sleeping. Not me." Eden tries standing up again, but her legs fail her, leaving Eden to fall over once again.

"Stop being a hypocrite. You're sick as well."


"You've been so stressed about taking care of everybody that you ended up with a fever worse than mine."

Eden freezes, a concerned look in her eyes. How could she have possibly known? Am I that easy to read, or?

"You told me you were stressed and asked me to do a favour. It was ridiculous but I guess I did owe you for saving my life. I have to say you really will die if it weren't for me."

"Wait what? What happened and how come I don't remember anything?"

Serena laughs while using her handkerchief and continues to wipe the beads of sweat dripping down Eden's face even after she wakes up.

Eden tries to demand for a proper answer but ends up blushing instead. "I'm not a baby."

Serena continues to laugh, gently pushing onto Eden's shoulder until the girl lies down. "I'll work on breakfast. Now sleep."

"I....okay..." Eden tries to say, her voice a mere whisper. Although she's still unable to remember anything that happened the past night, she knew that Serena was right. She was so stressed about keeping everyone safe that she hadn't even thought about herself. Even if everyone was capable of caring for themselves.

I'll rest, but only because you wanted me to. Eden thinks to herself, still feeling responsible for the mess she's put Seren into. She thinks about it for another minute before her eyes shut, drifting off to sleep.

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