Chapter 7 - Serena

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[September 3, 2017]

“Where to?” Serena asks, rubbing her hands together for warmth, “I’ll freeze if we don't hurry up.”

“Schon Valley Creek. Somewhere like that is the last place someone would want to be. We’ll stay there until this place gets overrun.” Eden whispers, looking around.

Serena sighs, readjusting her bag. The thought of staying in a forest for who knows how long is making her head spin. Before the outbreak she already had a mild fever. Living in the wilderness won't make it much easier. The outfit she's in at the moment doesn't do much in keeping her warm, though she didn't have anything better.

An hour later she continues to follow the group through the woods. She could feel her hands numb and stiff. Her hands begin to twitch around, and accidentally drops the knife.

“How’re you holding up?” Eden whispers, bending down to pick up the knife and handing it back to Serena.

Serena smiles sarcastically. “If being unable to feel my fingers sound good to you, then I'm good. Otherwise, no not at all.”

Eden rolls her eyes smiling back at her.

“I’m cold. It's really chilly down here in the creek.” Serena looks around at the environment. She doesn’t came here often, even though it was such a quiet and peaceful spot. Eden enjoys places like this. She enjoys the wilderness more than anyone. She looks up at the girl, who was too lost in her thoughts to notice Serena looking at her.

The group continues to walk in silence, observing their surroundings and having small talks once in awhile.

An hour later, Eden stops in her tracks, furrowing her eyebrows while looking at the spot in front of the group. “This seems okay.”

“Okay for us to stay?”

“No, not really. It's an okay spot to start our first lesson!”

A few groans could be heard. Serena included.

Eden’ eyes brightens. If there is one person that gets excited over everyone trapped in a forest, escaping from flesh consuming monsters yet still enthusiastic about a lesson, it's Eden.

“What are the qualities of a good place to set up camp?”

Rachel, having learnt a similar lesson in her past training, steps forward. “Make sure you find a flat area that's not right next to water, or on a slant.”

“Plus one for Rachel. We're obviously too poor to afford a tent, but instead we can make a lean-to! I'll assume you know that as well?”

“Basically the same thing, though we need two stable trees that are close together. When building, the entrance of the shelter should be facing the sun.” Rachel smiles proudly.

“Plus one for Rachel again! Your reward is to pick a partner and do exactly as you instructed.”

Rachel’s left stunned, but grins at her friend’s weird logic and accepts the command. She tugs on Amanda’s sleeve before walking away. Amanda shakes her head in sarcastic disbelief, following her friend.

“Andy, you and Katerina help us find longer sticks and pine needles. You can ask Rachel for further instructions.”

The two agree, following Rachel and Amanda.

Serena watches Eden turns her head towards her. “Hey bud. I'm supposed to help these guys but I think I can spare a while. Let's get you a fire started.”

Serena looks at Eden and nods. “Sounds good.”

After Rachel and Amanda find a good spot, they along with Andy and Katerina look for supplies.

Serena is instructed by Eden to sit, while she goes off to find her materials. Prior to that, Eden took off the jacket of her the combat uniform and draped it over Serena’s shoulders.

Serena looks into the distance, wrapping her arms around her legs, struggling to keep warm, even with the extra layer.

A little while later, Serena watches as Eden comes back and creates a ring with rocks. She places the larger sticks in a pyramid, tying them together. “Do you need my help?”

“Nah I'm good. Sorry for keeping you waiting. I'll finish up as soon as possible.”

“Yeah worries.” she watches Eden frowning at her work.

"If only I didn't fall asleep during the lesson. Would've helped about now."

Serena laughs when she hears her friend mutter to herself.  She looks at the others, all working hard to create a shelter.

“Yup. Just weave them together like this.” Rachel takes some other sticks, weaving them horizontally to the vertical one. The other three watch, taking mental notes.

“Ha-HA! Done!”

Serena turns back around, looking at Eden smiling at her accomplishment of lighting and keeping the fire alive.

Still focused on the fire, Eden speaks without looking over, “How’s this?”

“It’s better.” Serena replies.

“That’s good.”

“Mhm.” Serena watches as Eden walks towards her and sits down beside her.

“You hardly show off your kind side. Why is that?”

“Maybe because I'm forced to stay with you now that the world’s going to shit.”

“Ha. Funny. You're the one that came along. But I'm sure you secretly enjoy being with me.”

“Nope. I'm only acting this way because I'm sick and I have no energy to fight back with an attitude.” Serena says, slightly shivering, “And I’m only here because you're the only one that seems to know what you're doing. For once you're not failing.”

“Thanks for the compliment. Am I doing a good job at it?”

“Yeah.” Serena could feel her eyes shutting by itself. The entire day of escaping from monster-like creatures and getting sick really drained her. She leans her head onto her friend’s shoulder, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Eden stares at the fire, aware that Serena is asleep. She whispers, “That’s good.”

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