Chapter 5

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"Ghosty, you ready?" asks Spooky over the headset. "Yeah." you say, feeling not as confident as you sound. "Well, good luck." Josh clicks off. Well, here goes nothing. You start stumbling towards the guards. One of the lighthouses on the dock hovers over your position. A group of about three guards walk over to you. "Why Josh? Why?" you yell. "Why did you have to leave me?"

"Whoa lady, calm down?" one of the guards says. "What did I do?" you yell, throwing your hands up dramatically. "I was kind and loving, but what do I get? Nothing!" The guards exchanged bewildered looks. Just then, Dark comes jogging out of the shadows. "Erin!" he calls. You turn and pretend to lose your balance. He catches you, then turns to the guards. "Thank you." he says. "My sister is very prone to drinking and who knows what could have happened if you hadn't found her." The guards nod and walk away. He picks you up bridal style and carries you around the corner of the warehouse. Dark sets you down and envelops you in a hug. "Is everyone ok?' you ask once Dark lets go of you. "Yes." Dark says, relaxing. Your mind, against your will, pulls up a memory you had almost forgotten.


You lean up against a brick wall across from the bank. You hear alarms go off. The plan went wrong. Your mind sinks into a panic. The police, you panic, They hacked my firewall! Cop car after cop car pull up in front of the bank. You hear your dad's voice over the headset. "Erin!" he yells. "What the hell did you do?" You freeze. "Erin!" he screams. "Answer me, bitch!" You mind thaws. "I don't know." you say. "The police must have hacked my firewall!" You hear gunshots coming from the bank. "I thought you said they couldn't!" he says, his breath ragged. "I-"

*End Flashback*

"Erin?" Dark asks. "Are you ok?" Your face feels damp. You lift your hand and see that you're crying. "I'm fine." you say, keeping your voice even. "Just give me a minute." He nods and walks into the warehouse. You collapse against the wall, tears streaming down your face. You can hear the gunshot as if it was yesterday. Bang, then your father fell silent. You barry your face in hands. You hear footsteps walking your way. "Erin?' you hear Josh's voice. He rushes up to you. "Is everything ok? Are you hurt?" You wrap your arms around him. "I couldn't save him." you sob. "I-I need you to stay. I can't do this without you." Spooky picks you up and whispers in your ear. "I won't leave. I promise." You close your eyes and let all of your muscles relax. You melt into the warmth of his body, for the morning had turned cold. Josh carries you into the warehouse and sets you down in the back of the van. You hear him talking to Tyler. "I found her crying outside of the warehouse. She said that she couldn't save him. Do you know who she might be talking about?" He sounds worried. "No." Tyler replies. "I did some digging, but nothing about a guy. Wait, someone did say her father died in a bank robbery about ten years ago, but she was thirteen then. I highly doubt that she was there unless she was the lookout or something." They continued to talk, you try to keep listening, but sleep takes over your body. The rest of the time is just a blur. You see the others get in, but Ethan is missing. In what feels like a blink of an eye, you find yourself in your bed, back at the bar. 

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