Chapter 12

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You wake up with a jolt. "Hey sleepyhead." Josh says smiling. You look around and relax when you see that you're on a couch in an apartment, which you guess is Josh's. You look down at your body and see that your in one of his T-shirts. You take in a deep breath, breathing in the smell of his cologne. "How long have I been asleep?" you ask running a hand through your hair. "About three hours." Josh says getting up. "How did I get in your T-shirt?" you ask. "Not that I'm complaining." you quickly add. "You were wearing my new sweatshirt and I thought you would be more comfortable in a shirt." He picks up the Hot Topic bag. "Bathroom is down the hall on the right, if you wanna go change." You get up and take the bag from him. "I'll just change right here, unless you don't want me to." Josh doesn't say anything, so you start to strip. You pull off the oversized T-shirt and reach into the bag. The first thing you find is the choker. "Joshie," you ask, turning around to see flustered face, "Could you help me put this on?" You offer it to him. He picks it up out of your hand and puts it around your neck. "Thank you, Joshie." you say reaching back into the bag. You pull out the crop top and slowly slide it down. Josh looks glued to his spot. You pull up the jeans and say, "I knew you would like that." You walk past Josh and give him a peck on the cheek. You walk into the bathroom and hear a phone ringing in the room across the hall. "Yo, Josh," you yell over your shoulder, "Can I answer your phone?" You can hear Josh walking around in the living room. "Sure." he calls. "It's probably just Tyler." You pick up the phone. "Hello?" you say. "Too late." a strange voice says on the other end. "Who is this?" you ask. The line goes dead. You hear Josh call your name from the other room. You sprint to the living room, but find nothing other than a silence blanketing the room. "Josh?" you call. "Where are you?" the phone rings again. You grab it. "Hello?" you ask panicking. "Erin!" Josh's voice rings through your head like a bell. "Josh! Oh my god! Are you ok?" you ask starting to cry. "Erin, I-I don't know where I am. I can't see anything. I-" The line goes dead. "Hello? Hello!" Your brain is going wild. You start pacing. "What should I do?" you ask the ceiling. "I don't know if I should call Tyler, or I should try and find him myself." You pace for another ten minutes, then pick up the phone. It rings once, twice, then Tyler picks up. "Hey Josh." Tyler says. "Tyler," you say trying to get your voice back under control, "It's Erin. Something's happened to Josh." There's dead silence on the other end. "Tyler! Snap the hell out of it!" you yell. "E-Erin, I don't understand. Is this a joke?" Tyler asks. "Tyler," you say getting mad, "Let me break it down into little words so that your pea sized brain can understand it! Josh just got fucking kidnapped!" Another silence. "Tyler!" you scream. "I will come down there and rip out your fucking tongue out and feed it to you if you don't tell me why the fuck someone would want to kidnap Josh!"

"I dare you, bitch." Tyler replies, then hangs up. "That stupid little, pig brained, shriveled heart, scumbag, low life, son of a bitch!" you scream. You storm into the kitchen and start wildly opening draws to find anything sharp. You find a butchers knife. "This is going to be fun." you say smiling insanely. You find Josh's car keys sitting on the table by the door and walk out to the car. The whole drive over, all you can think about are the ways you're going to torcher Tyler. You pull up in front of the bar and see Dark leaning up against the wall, smoking. He looks surprised when he sees you get out of the car. "Hello Dark," you say cooly, "I have some business with Tyler." Dark nods and says, "Go ahead in, and," he pulls you closer, "Don't actually rip out his tongue, maybe just like cut off a finger, or poke out an eye." You nod, not surprised that he knows. They probably have the whole place bugged. you think as you walk in. You go straight to Tyler's office. You look through the window in the door. You see Tyler sitting with his back to the door smoking a cigar. You open the door silently and pull out the knife you brought. You place it against his neck and put a hand over his mouth. "Ok, Ty," you say quietly in his ear, "Now, this is what we're going to do. You are not going to scream, because if you do, I'll have to get blood all over my new jeans, and I don't want to do that, not just yet. We're going to walk down stairs, then, well, you'll find out soon enough." Tyler slowly gets up. "Fine." he says. You didn't think it would've been that easy, but you don't let your guard down. You and Tyler walk out of his office. You hide the knife from view, but keep it out just incase. You make it down stairs without incident. You hit the bottom step and grab Tyler by the throat. You look around the room for something to tie him down with, and your eyes fall on an old electric chair that, for some reason, they kept in the corner. You push him roughly into the chair and strap him down. Tyler still isn't struggling, but his eyes betray his fear. "Now," you say, "You are going to tell me who took Josh and why, or I'm going to cut every inch of skin off your body." His eyes go wide, but he still says nothing. "Fine." you say pulling the knife out of hiding. You take it and drag it down his forearm, taking off almost all of the skin. Tyler's back arches in pain. Blood runs off his arm and down on to the floor making a crimson puddle at your feet. "I will let you bleed out and die," you say, "And I will sit here and watch every minute of it if you don't tell me who and why!" Tyler keeps his mouth shut, tears starting to stream down his face. You drag the knife down his other arm, pulling off more skin. Tyler lets out a scream of pain. "Tell. Me. Now." you demand through gritted teeth. The only response was a whimper of pain. You rip off his shirt and make a long cut down his chest to the top of his jeans. Blood is everywhere. You step closer to him, you feel warm blood soak through your shoe. "Tell me right fucking now, or I swear to god Tyler I'll slit your fucking throat!" Tyler's eyes go wide. "I'll tell you, I'll tell you!" he sobs. "We had a robbery go bad about four years ago and we didn't have any money. I sent Josh to Brendon because I knew he would give us money, but something went wrong. He hasn't bothered us in so long." You see he's about to pass out. "Thank you Tyler, you've been very helpful." You hit him on the head with the handle of the knife. Tyler's eyes roll back in his head and his body goes limp. You drop the knife, suddenly sick, and hurry back up stairs, praying not to throw-up. You catch Dark as he is walking up to the bar. "Hey Dark, you should probably send Nerdy down to fix Tyler up before he dies from blood loss." Dark gives you a look. "And I need some guns and all you know about a guy named Brendon. Also, some new clothes would be nice. I don't want to walk around soaked in blood all day." Dark nods and walks off. Ten minutes later, he comes back and hands you a stack of clothes and a key. You walk into the bathroom and change. Once you've finished, you inspect yourself in the mirror. You have on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a Green Day crop top. You put the key in your pocket and walk out. "What do you know about Brendon?" you ask Dark. "Well," he says, "Brendon helps out gangs in money trouble. He gives them support until they can pay him back most of the money, then goes on with life. What I think happened between Josh and Brendon is that Josh said something he shouldn't have and pissed Brendo off. Brendon can hold grudges forever, believe me." You nod, "You seem to know a lot about him." Dark laughs. "I know a lot about him because he's my cousin." You find this surprising because Dark never talked about family. "Do you know where he lives?"

Hey my lovely angels!-

I really hope you like this chapter. I'm probably going to start a one shot book, so if you have any ideas please comment! Much love!


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