Chapter I

469 13 3

[8 years ago]

You groan as you heard your clock blaring loud like the way an ambulance would. You weren't a morning person, that's a fac. So the moment you heard it, your hands lazily searched for the snooze button and practically slams it shut before turning to your side to go back to dreamland.

But before you could, you heard your phone ring, making you groan loud in annoyance.

Well, this is nice

Sighing in defeat, you groggily sat up from the bed, eyes still closed, and yawned.

It's a Sunday, the only day where you can sleep soundly after a hard day at work. Usually, you wake up on 12 or 1 in the afternoon, so it made you upset that your Sunday routine is ruined by this blasted phone call and alarm clock.

You didn't even bother to look who is calling and just slid the green button before pressing it against your ear.


"Ready for the big day, girl?" you recognize the owner of the voice as your best friend, judging from the bubbly energy emitting from the other line.

You hummed again.

"Oh god. Don't tell me you're still..." she sighed in frustration. "Today's that blind date, stupid! What the hell are you doing still like that?!"

It was then that you snapped your eyes open, darting your stare at the clock behind you.

30 minutes before 10. You only got 30 minutes---scratch that---29 minutes to prepare.

"Shit." you cursed, jumping out of the bed, letting a pillow fall on the floor. "It's today?!"

"I can't believe you forgot!"

"I can't believe either." you muttered, quickly grabbing your towel and slings it on your shoulder. "Thanks for waking me up. I'll call you later." you ended the call before throwing your phone on the bed, but it bounces and falls on the floor instead.


You made a move to pick it up, but decided against it and just quickly made your way towards the bathroom.


You ran out of your apartment room, casually dressed for the date, not too much, just simple yet pleasing to look at. Closing the door, you look at the time and gasped in horror. 15 minutes to go.

As you fumbled on your keys to lock the door, you heard the door, in front of yours, open and closing with a gentle thud.

"Good morning."

You froze, slowly looking behind you with a shaky smile, something you'd always do when you're nervous.

She's Mine (Kai, D.O. and EXO fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें