Chapter II

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Chapter 2

You groaned once again, feeling tired and eyes stinging from the exposure of too much computer or laptop or whatever you can get your hands on just to finish that stupid application. You flexed your fingers, testing if it’s still working or not and stretched your feet to let the blood flow normally. You slightly winced at the pain when you tried to get your feet flat on the floor.

“Stupid cramps.” You muttered under your breath.

Oh how you hate leaving so early just to go to work. Waking up on 9, running late for work again, munching on the toast your husband made you after downing the warm coffee he just prepared for breakfast. You didn’t even have time to help Kyungsoo with his tie like you usually do before.

Things are really hectic at work.

“So, is it approved yet or…?”

You sighed, looking across the other cubicle in front of you and stared at the eyes of your co-worker, Kim Jongdae, a web programmer who you were paired up with to handle the functions of the application. Jongdae’s really attractive, a ladies-man here in the office, but he’s recently engaged so that means he’s off the market.

“No.” You groggily replied, yawning after doing those stretches with your foot without standing up, slumping on the chair lazily. “Sir Minseok isn’t satisfied at the presentation last week so he asked us to revise some things.”

Jongdae laughed, yet it was hollow, like he’s dreading for another sleepless night. “And here I was, planning to get Chanmi on a date.”

“Your fiancé?”

“The one and only.” He grins, something you described as weird yet cute at the same time. “I was thinking of taking her to that French restaurant I saw on the other day.” He dreamily sighs. “Pretty romantic, huh?”

You could only snort and shake your head slowly, resuming to type your side-project, which is translating a Korean program to English. It’s easy compared to your on-going project that got you awake straight on 24 hours, kind of reminding you about the time Kyungsan was still a tiny baby, crying his eyes out because he wanted to.

Poor Kyungsoo hadn’t got any good sleep at those times, with heavy bags under his eyes as he slowly rocked his son while trying his best not to fall asleep with him on his arms.

“Anyways, how’s Kyungsoo?” Jongdae asked, kicking the blue cubicle wall beside him so that he could see you a lot better on the opening. “He’s not complaining about your work schedule?”

“Sometimes.” You answered, eyes trained on the computer as you drum your fingers on the keyboard. “Sometimes he whines like a big baby. Can’t blame him, though. We haven’t had any time with each other lately.”

“True.” Jongdae slowly nodded. “With Chanmi working as a college professor, we hardly see each other anymore.”

“That’s what Sundays are made for.” Came the voice of your best friend walking in the middle of both you and Jongdae’s cubicle, the same best friend who helped you with your relationship with your now husband, Kyungsoo. She’s lucky she’s working as Sir Minseok’s secretary so her cubicle’s near his office. That and the two of them are dating for 4 years now. “He approved!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands in delight.

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