Part 8

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Fists colided with metal as I blocked the hammer with my gauntlets. I kicked her back and rushed forward only to be knocked in the chin with the handle of her weapon. I stumbled backwards and shook my head groggly looking around.

Why am I not surprised that she'd be happy to fight me?

I looked up and rolled back just as Nora hit the ground where I was standing. She grinned and using an explosion launched herself at me. I leaned back and once again was caught by the back of the handle. I fell and quickly got back up just in time to block another blow from her hammer.

This fight had been going on for three minutes and still there was no clear victor in sight, every time one of us gained a slight advantage the other one quickly managed to recover. I was tempted to use the Venom but I remembered what Ozpin said and decided against it.

If I had my new gauntlets this would be a lot easier, but things are never that simple are they?

As I blocked the hammer I kicked her off me and rushed forward, I tackled her but just then she fired the grenadelauncher point blank at me. Everything was blurry for a minute and when it cleared I was suddenly met with a hammer to the face.

I rolled back and slowly got back on my feet. I growled and charged at her, she rushed towards me and swung at my head but this time I was prepared for it.

(Nora's pov)

Me and Bane have been fighting for a while now and it's starting to make me hungry. I just want to win so I can go eat pancakes with Ren afterwards.

I'm surprised that he's still standing after I shot him, but I'm winning this fight.

I swing at his head and then spin the handle of Magnhild around so that the back hits his arms and then swing at his side. There is a loud thud and I sigh.

Great, now I need pancakes.

I pull Magnhild back but it doesn't budge, I look back and see that he caught the head of the hammer between his elbow and knee. He looks at me and whispers. "Got you now."

(Back to Bane)

"Got you now."

I pulled her closer and drove my knee into her side followed by a powerful headbutt into her face. She staggers back dizzy from the impact, I run forward and execute a dropkick knocking her into the wall of the arena. I looked up and see her aura in the red. I then walk over to her, looking slightly discouraged, and hold out my hand.

"It was a good match Nora, how about I buy you something to eat after class? It can be anything you want."

At this she perks up and nods eagerly, I chuckled and helped her up as we both walk out of the arena. As I walk with her to the cafeteria I notice several people staring at us.

"Well what are you looking at?" I shouted and they all resumed eating. I sighed and turned back towards Nora who had a plate piled high with pancakes, I looked at her in disbelief and she just pointed at a bottle near one of the counters.

"Don't forget the syrup." She said as she skipped over to her teammates.

I shook my head amused by her actions and picked up the bottle before getting something for myself.

I sat down next to her and passed her the bottle, she smiled while Ren looked concerned.

"Nora, you already ate twelve pancakes this morning."

She nodded and pointed to me. "Bane got these for me."

He gives me an odd look, but then shrugs and continues eating.

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