Chapter 1

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Welcome to the Goose Tavern, I run this place with my daughter and her adopted children. In this world of fantasy, magic, and adventure, all you get to read about is of our somewhat boring lives. In this world anything can happen, so I warn you what you read may sound outlandish, or farfetched, but I tell you in our world this is our life.
My name is Elliot, Elliot Grimm, I’m really in my 70’s but do to some gender curse mishap, I look and feel like I’m 20. Hopefully I can have a retry at my life through this, but family sucks me back in. My daughter, Grace Love, she stays young through magic, but she’s in her 40’s. She mothers the whole family.
Her two adopted daughters, Jane Jone, and Sam Mathis. Jane being 18, working as the bartender, and my fling with her. Before you as the readers ask any questions, yes I did date my adopted granddaughter, don’t judge me. Sam she’s 17 but if the Kingdom asks, she’s “18”, she’ll sometimes offer services to the men who stay at the tavern. It’s a steady income for the tavern.
“What the fuck are you doing” Jane said at me, standing in the doorway looking pissed, she was of short stature, with black slightly curled hair, she wore a white dress with a black button vest. “It’s rush hour and you’re here scribbling down notes. Get off your ass and get the fuck out there. Grace and Sam are as busy as it is”
I looked out the window in the small cramped room with a small desk, a bed and drawers, containing misc. clothing. “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t even realize what time it was; I’m too focused on filling out the forms for a magic dating test” I could hear the desperateness come from my voice. “They say they can find a match, and if they can’t they’ll hire a wench for you for the night free of charge”.
“Just get your ass out there, and tonight put up a sign for help wanted, ever since the war was won, we’ve gotten a shit ton more business” She turned around quickly and walked back to the commons, I soon followed to see the Tavern packed, Sam, Grace, and Jane, rushing everywhere. They continued to serve drinks to every knight, adventurer, and several different races alike.
“Elliot!” I hear out of the corner of the room. “We need more stock, our pre made meals, and the barrels are low” Sam continued to say. She wore the same outfit as Jane, she had light brown straight hair. Most men fancied her because of the size of her chest, and she shows way too much cleavage. She says it has to do with not enough room in the dress, but everyone knows she shows that much to attract more bedroom “business”.
I don’t complain, it’s more money for the tavern. “Alright, I’ll go out and pick up some stock tomorrow, we have a little extra coin, anything else that the tavern might need” I reply to her, not really wanting any answer.
“I could use some more protection spells, I’m nearly out upstairs” She said hinting towards her night “business”. I thought to myself, god dammit, could not you do that yourself. Jane came up and asked. “Could I get a brown haired wench, I’m kind of horny” I understood what she asked for, but I can’t tell you as the readers quite yet, I’ll leave that to her to say.
I saw Grace continue in the distance of the tavern, I could tell she was tired, it was nearly the end of the work day. A tavern being open from Noon to Midnight, but even with the limited hours we got a lot of business. We didn’t really provide as an inn unless we got payed high enough, and Sam’s little night activities don’t really count.
“Okay I’ll take care of that, I’ll head off in the morning” I told the two “Grace! You need anything in town?” I yelled towards her. After finishing delivering drinks to a table she came up to me.
“I could use some parchment and a quill and ink. Some people have been buying the animated characters I’ve been drawing” She replied. She would draw characters and pretty much animate them using magic, it gives them character, and sometimes an attitude. “Also if there’s enough can I get some soul shards, I have enough right now but my supplies might not last”
“Alright I’ll see what I can do, I’d definitely have enough is Sam would cough up the 50% that she needs to” I said that while staring at Sam. She looked anxious as I said it.
“Do I really have to?” she questioned. “Yes you have to, I’d be able to actually buy everything that we need and have plenty left” I snapped back at her. “But there’s so much I want to buy, makeup, brushes, jewle…” she continued to spew off many things, and I’d rather not torture you with what I had to endure. I stared at her with a slight anger in my eyes.
“...Fine…” she said growling while throwing her left hand out. On her middle finger was a ring, a Spatial ring, probably containing more money than the tavern will see in 10 years, but she’s greedy and whatever she does give me probably a half a year’s worth, and say that’s half of what she has.
I held my hand underneath, then Spatial ring glowed blue as a sack about the size of my head dropped into my hand. I knew it only a half a year’s worth. For the readers who wonder she only does the nightly things for the very wealthy, there have been a few poor people who saved up all their money for one night, poor bastards.
*THUD* “I’m not a whore!” Ow. Sam want’s the readers know she’s not a whore. I quickly put it into my Spatial ring. Spatial rings are like an inventory in a rpg so many slots, but in this the better the ring the more storage you can have. Spatial rings are one of the most common magical items, they are like a wallet or purse to us. Spatial rings can hold food and drink forever, items go in and go into a frozen state, and unfreeze when taken out.
“I know this isn’t half the money you have but it’ll work, even cover some of my own things that I was going to pay out of pocket” I said while glaring at her. I will also say Spatial rings are broken, you can toss a full ring into an empty one and pretty much do that infinitely.
*Ring Ring! * An alarm set up for 15 minutes left before midnight “Alright Ladies and Gentleman the Tavern will be closing in fifteen, all of you have jobs in the morning so get off your drunk asses and get home if you are here after fifteen minutes 20 gold will be added to your tap, so don’t make any of us wait around!”
Slowly everyone poured out the door, some ordering drinks for the go. I headed back to my room to pass out as soon as my head hit the pillow. Tomorrow will be the day I set off, go on my adventure, kill the dragon, get the girl, get rich. An adventurer’s dream.
I woke up at sunrise, to head off into town. I lifted up my head and let out a groan of tiredness, but today’s the day I’m going to start my journey, so I can’t push today off. I got up out of my bed and grabbed the clothes on my dresser. Black pants and a white button up shirt with a black vest.
I grabbed the paperwork from the dating test and put it in my inventory. “A new start, I get a second chance to maybe make something of my life” I said to myself. I walked out of my room to the first thing I see a half-naked man sneaking out of Sam’s room. I didn’t say anything as it was a normal sight of a guy walking out of her room. But did she really have to take his clothes as payment.
I tossed the poor guy some rags, and then made my way towards the door to leave. I saw Grace at the bar, drawing, while she let a broom sweep up the floor. Like fantasia, for you, but it actually working. I made my way to the town center as most of the shops were beginning to open. List of places to go, the brothel for Jane and Sam, craft and magic shop for Grace, plus the armory for myself.
I began to walk down one of the alleyways towards the brothel, the familiar scent, of overused perfume, aphrodisiacs, and too many candles. The aphrodisiacs pretty much entrapped any male, and some females. But I was so much of a regular that I was so used to it.
“OH, JACK!” A girl with blue hair, that works at the brothel yelled towards me. “Did you come by to have some fun?” she questioned. She was cute and of short stature, her name was Elly, she was one of the only girls at the brothel that didn’t use any magic to change.
“We haven’t seen you around here that often anymore, I was wondering what happened” she continued on to say.
“I- I’m not here for myself sadly, I only came by for some protection spells, and to employ a brown haired girl for the night that doesn’t mind biting for Jane” I replied slowly. Even though I was a regular here, I haven’t been showing up a whole lot lately, because I want to tie down and find someone. Her eyes gave a slight notice of disappointment and sadness.
“Alri-” she stutters “Alright, I set up a girl to show up at the tavern, at midnight, and I’ll get the protection spells for you” she left inside the brothel, to return a minute later with the spells. “Here” she hands me the spells “Hope you have some fun with her” before I could say anything she walked back inside.
I wonder what’s gotten into her. I looked down at my hand to see 20 protection spells, they are basically condoms, but are 100% efficient. They look like small like business cards, but each one can have up to four uses. Which in the end is a bonus?
I walked back to the town square, before the aphrodisiacs actually affected me, and I would need to use the brothel.
“SALE HERE!” a random merchant yelled. “NEED ARMOR, WEAPONS, AND SPELLS FOR YOUR JOURNEY JUST COME HERE!” The man scruffy definitely in his 70’s, with dark colors for clothes.
“You, sir” pointing towards me. “You look like a man with a great journey before him, why not be safe and check out our items for sale” I decided why not check it out, I was going to buy some stuff anyways.
I stood in front of the stand, looking at everything they had for sale, there was only one other looking, but he didn’t stay for very long. Most of the items were placed on the ground on a red cloth, swords, armor pieces, a few magic books, you name it they probably had it somewhere.
A man sat there crossed legged, with black clothes covering most of his body including his face. Nothing mysterious about that. “Oh so finally someone worthy” his voice was raspy. Most of everything on the cloth looked well-used, slight rust.
“What I see of you, your life is about to begin, what you’ve been wanting, but not how you may expect it to go” he continued after taking a breath.” You actually might want to take some of these items, they may look old but once they go to their rightful owner will they show their true selves”
His meanings were ominous, but somehow I felt some truth coming from this old man. I picked up a weird looking gauntlet, it was thin, and had faint engravings all over it, the jewels also looked faded, the leather wrapping underneath nearly seemed stale, and frail. In its prime it would’ve looked beautiful and belonging to that of a royal knight.
“Ahh, so it’s finally chosen someone” He said that as if talking about the gauntlet. “What do you mean?” I asked him.
“That will be something for you to learn for yourself, but if it has chosen you then I must give you this for the others, you’ll need them” He took of a spatial ring off of his left hand and handed it to me. “This is free of charge, but in the future I may call of you for a favor in exchange”
“Thank you, but I coul- “the old man cuts me off. “But you must, now run along I mustn’t keep you from your destiny” He says this as he starts to push me away from the stand.
I began to walk towards the magic shop, contemplating and keeping my mind so busy with what the hell that was all about that I wasn’t paying attention. I accidentally walked into a man.
“I’m so sorry” I said as I snapped out of my daze. “No it’s all my fault I was so busy trying to find a place” he said as he turned to look at me. He was slender, with blonde-white hair.
  “May I ask where?” I asked him. He looked to be in his twenties, but he gave off the presence of someone with wisdom. He shifted through one of his pockets on his thin black overcoat. And he pulled out a piece of paper and averted his attention towards it.
“Ahh, I’m looking for the (loose?)  Goose Tavern” he said this with not a whole lot of confidence. “Oh, you’re heading the wrong way, it’s west from town square, down that road” I said pointing towards one of the four roads leading into town square. “It’s on the corner of Stevenson(change the street name maybe?) Street”
“It’s not open till noon though so just wait around a bit till it opens” I continued on. I had begun to realize I dropped the spatial ring from the strange man. I got on my hands and knees looking for it in this crowded area. “Have you seen a spatial ring around here?” I asked the man.
He took a look and picked something up. “Here, and thank you for the info I think I’ll go have a look around while I wait” he tossed me the ring, and began to walk away.
I continued on my walk towards the magic shop and picked up Grace’s items fairly quickly. I then began my trek back to the Tavern. On the way back I took a closer look at the gauntlet. The leather underneath seemed to be like new now. I put it on to see how it felt.
On one of the pieces of leather towards the wrist a pendant hung, it was in the shape of a sword. I attempted to take off the gauntlet, but the leather binding began to tighten. As a rise of panic and worry I tried ripping away the leather, but that only making it’s binding tighter.
As the pain began to build I fell to my knees, tears nearly forming. Blood began to spew through the binding slowly. “FFUUUUCCKK!!” The jewels began to have a glow to them, heating up to burning temperatures. The rust began to fall off like dust to reveal the original beauty of its polished silver metal look. The leather binding began to work its way up my arm to stop at my shoulder.
Immediately after I felt a cooling energy as if it was healing all the damage it caused me. The binding began to loosen its grip. I continued to try to rip it off, but the binding continued to reform and keep its shape. “Great a fucking cursed object” I exclaimed to myself. It’s still a pretty cool armor piece though I thought to myself.
I looked down at the pendant hanging from my wrist now, and heard a whisper as though being carried by the wind grab the sword. I began to close my hand as if to grab the handle of a sword. Then a white light came from the pendant as it began to get larger and show much more detail.
The sword itself matched that of the gauntlet, inscriptions in an unknown language. “This is probably one of the most useful cursed items I’ve heard of” I said after catching my breath, and continuing on my walk back. The sword was connected by a chain by the base, and dropping it allowed the sword to go back into its pendant size.
It was then that I realized it was nearly opening time, so I began to pick up my pace back to the Tavern. As I was walking down the hill leading to the Tavern, I saw Sam outside watering the small plants and flowers that were out front.
“Grandma, you’re back!” she yelled. “Did you get everything?” It took me a minute to reach her. “Yeah, I got everything, plus some” I replied to her. I handed her the protection spells. “Here you go what you wanted” I continued on. To you readers she did say grandma, because of when I was a woman most everyone called me grandma, and got used to it.
We began to make our way into the Tavern. Grace still at the bar stand sketching, Jane nose deep into a book with her feet on the table in the corner of the room. “I got everything for you guys” I said as I entered. “Jane she’ll show up at midnight for you tonight”.
She groaned, as if that was her thank you. “And here you go Grace, what you needed” she turned to look at me as if breaking off her concentration. “Oh thank you, did you manage to get enough stock?” she questioned.
“Yeah, I got a little bit more than I usually would because we have been getting more customers lately” I glanced over at Sam. “Especially Sam over here, becoming even more popular than the brothel” she gave me a look of anger.
“Well most are attracted towards my tits, and like all natural” she said. “But that doesn’t mean I’m a whore” she continued on while walking towards me. She then proceeded to punch my arm. “OW” she yelled while holding her hand. I barely felt a thing.
“Oh I forgot to mention, I’m now the proud owner of a cursed object, don’t worry it seems to be one of those curses where you can’t take off the object” I said while pulling my shirt sleeve up to reveal the gauntlet and the thin leather binding going up my arm. “It also has a bonus a sword” I continued on while showing off the weapon.
I looked around to see shock on their faces. “I also got things for you, but they aren’t cursed” I said hoping that they weren’t whatever they were. I grabbed all the items from the spatial ring from the mystery man, and laid them out on the table.
“It seems more like trash items, than anything else” Grace said while looking down at the items. A six-shot revolver, a dusty book, a necklace with faded gems, a staff with small white crystals at the top, and a rusty two handed broadswords. All showing signs of wear down and rust and dust as if they were relics from wars long ago.
“They may look like that but so did my gauntlet, but it changed after putting it on, so pick one of them up and see if it likes you” I said while picking up the book. “Al-Alright” Sam said as if unsure. Grace tried to pick up the broad sword but was unable to. I then handed her the book and the dust shed off like a thin layer, and the wear disappeared. “Oh so we have a winner” I said while thanking god that it wasn’t cursed.
“Oh that’s pretty cool” Grace said while peering through the book. Sam then picked up the broad sword with no issue, and the same effects happened. “This feels as light as a feather, even though I know it shouldn’t” she said while questioning the sword. I felt as though I needed to give these items to them, I got them for free in the first place.
Jane picked up the necklace, and went to put it on. “Wait” I said cautiously. “What” She questioned. “Just be careful it could be cursed” she continued to put it on, everyone else was staring waiting for the result. You could hear the click of the clasp, fire erupted from the necklace but not effecting her. The glow from the Jewels shone bright, they looked to be ruby’s, a large middle one and two smaller ones off to each of the sides.
“This is weird” she said quietly. I looked back at the table seeing the two things left, wondering what those were for. Just then the bell rang for noon. “Everyone keep these items in your spatial inventory, don’t have them out in front of others yet. We have no idea what these might be capable of” I said this while walking back to the table to put the rest of the items back into my spatial ring.
As I was about to put the revolver in my inventory the man looking for the tavern came in. He looked as if was nervous walking in. “Welcome Sir anything we can help you with?” I asked him.
“Ah- Yes, I was wondering if you could tell me where Elliot Grimm and Grace Love are?” He asked.
“I am him and this is Grace” I said while pointing to her.
“I am Valentine’s Son, and Grace’s half-brother, my name is Penny Bellon” He said so calmly. Valentine is my ex also Grace’s mother, she abandoned me and Grace a while after Grace turned 2. I haven’t heard her name in a long time. “Oh do you wish to take the Tavern?” I asked.
“No, no, no, I don’t want to take the Tavern, I want to join you all, I saw the need help sign and would love to join” His voice did leave some truthfulness behind it. “And so what makes of Val lately” I asked him.
“I would have no idea, she dropped me off at an orphanage when I was little, I only found out of her name, and this place from one of my local brothel managers that knew her” he went on to say. To the readers it may seem like I’m not surprised nor Grace, it’s because we aren’t we knew that Val was a whore, so we always expected that Grace wasn’t Val’s only child.
“Well come on in and join the family anyone that gets abandoned by mom is part of the family” Grace came out of the blue to say. “Well if you’re going to be part of the family here see which item takes to you” I said while presenting the remaining two. He walks over and first grabs the staff, but nothing, he looks over at the revolver and drops the staff, and picks up the gun.
It fills with color, and nearly wiping away all the dust from this energy emitting from it. “Wha-” he tries say. “They are cursed objects, probably made to go to someone that these items deem worthy, or most suited for” I say as I cut him off. After I finished hearing that I hear a knock from the front door. “Hello Grace?” I look to see a shorter skinny girl with freckles on her cheeks with brownish black hair.
“Shit not today” I hear Grace mutter under her breath. Immediately I think so here’s the sixth. “Welcome Kim, so guys I adopted another, I had a whole surprise thing that I was going to do, but I forgot” She tried to explain.
“She’s 17, but she was going to get kicked out of the city or worse if I didn’t ado-” I cut her off. “It doesn’t matter, but welcome to the family Kim, here a gift” I said while I tossed her the staff.
It didn’t do the same effects as the others, as it was only just a branch with some crystals at the top. The crystals at the top lit up at the top, they began to emit a small aura, only someone experienced in magic, or old enough and has the knowledge of it can feel it.
“Well don’t keep these out, we don’t want any of us to accidentally kill one of our customers, as for me I can’t take this off so I’ll be hiding it with my shirt sleeve” I told them.
“Umm… I don’t have a spatial ring” Kim said. On her fingers she wore a ring and I assumed it was a spatial ring, but through closer examination it was adorned with a jewel, so it can’t. Spatial rings can’t have adornments such as jewels, or metal around the base ring, something to do with fractures that can happen, but they can have inscriptions.
“Oh, well take this” I handed her a spare small inventory ring. But now that I think about it I’m not sure if it was empty, some of my ‘personal stuff’ seems to be missing.
She took the ring almost too eagerly, but I won’t judge. I only assume she came from a poor household. “Thank you” she said while trying to figure out how to work the ring. She got the knack of it pretty quickly, using her staff as the test object.
Something felt off about these things, I couldn’t understand why though, and part of me felt like I might have to pay the consequences soon. “Keep these things hidden, we don’t know anything about them, the y might as well be cursed for all I know” I said while a drunkard stumbled through the door.
“Then why give us these things, if you don’t know anything about them?” Jane came into the conversation to say. I thought about that for a second. And realized I didn’t really have an answer.
“I have no idea why but even if these things are cursed, what difference does it make. Cursed objects are about as common as a drunkard coming in to drink his life away in booze” I said signaling to Grace to deal with the guy who stumbled in.
“But I will tell you, something told me, we’re going to need these, they are weapons for Christ sake!” I continued on to say. “It’s also not a coincidence that these weapons chose you, I could’ve picked these things up, and gave them to you, and they could’ve stayed dusty, rusted pieces of shit”
They stayed quiet, as they stared at me. “Don’t you ever think we could be doing more in our lives than run this shitty Tavern, I mean this world is like a fantasy nerds dream” Them probably not recognizing the reference to your world. “Adventure, dragon slaying, demon hunting, giant slime creatures. There’s so much we can do and we’re stuck here, in a boring life”
Grace served the man a drink, as it seemed as he was about to pass out. A few more people started to pop into the Tavern. “I’m sorry I got like that, especially you two” pointing at Kim, and Penny. “But let’s get to work, more people will show up”.
I rolled down my sleeves, to hide the gauntlet. The metal plates that were on the hand, slid upwards underneath the sleeve, as if it knew I was trying to hide it. It left behind a paper thin leather wrap covering most of the hand except the tips of my fingers.
We went the rest of the night not really talking to each other, Grace helping Kim fit in, letting her serve drinks. While I gave Penny odd jobs, moving around supplies, fixing old broken furniture. The day continued on as usual, except for the little incident of Sam accidently flashing the whole Tavern.
It wasn’t till 10 p.m. that things got interesting. I noticed two soldiers walk in, they were new. But I knew something was off about them, the other soldiers would keep their eyes averted from them, even the ones who were so drunk they couldn’t function. Grace served them a drink and ten minutes had passed and they haven’t even touched it.
They acted like they were just talking between themselves, but I knew they weren’t, they were casing the place. I caught them staring at my hand, like they were wild dogs hungry for food, and my hand was the closest meal in miles. The leather binding began to tighten as if the gauntlet knew the oncoming danger.
I signaled to the others, and cast a quick silence spell. It creates a small space that nearly mutes the noise from the outside and keeps things said inside. They walked to me and Grace, and Jane came behind the bar stand, where I was. While Sam and Kim, sat on the bar stools.
“I think we might be in danger” I said to them.
“Wait, what?” Grace said.
“Two men over there in the corner, they haven’t touched their drinks at all and they came in a while ago. They are soldiers, and I have no idea why but, all the other military in the room are making sure they keep their eyes averted from them.” I went on to say. “Keep a look out, and if worst comes to worse, I want you to find Penny, go to my room and go into the cellar under my bed, and once everyone is in flip the switch you’ll see on the inside”
“Wait since when did we have a cellar?” Grace asked.
“I’ll explain later, but I just have this bad gut feeling, and most of you know, my gut feeling is never wrong” I told them while dismissing them.
I continued on for the rest of the night, like normal serving drinks, serving food. Just waiting till the end of the night. I even helped myself to a cup of mead, and a dinner. As it was a slow night, most of the people in here are soldiers.
The bell rung, and I started to rush people out, fearing that shit might go down with those two. A small handful, about 7 including the two men stayed in the tavern, one of the seven with long black hair, and a scruffy face looked completely wasted.
“Men it’s closing time, so I’m going to have to ask you to leave” I said to the men, while staying behind the bar stand.
“Oh I don’t think so” the drunk man said, slow. “See there’s been a murder, by a man matching the description of you, with the gauntlet you’re trying so hard to hide” said one of the men who never touched their drink. He had short brown hair, with a ruff nearly eerie voice.
I gave Jane the signal to gather everyone and head to the cellar. “Oh, so do you want to take me in, or I assume with the seven of you, you’re here to kill me, and my family”
“Well there is that but, we’re here to take that gauntlet, and the rest of those relics, they are far more powerful, and far more valuable than what you could ever know” the brown hair guy continued on to say. I thought to myself ‘Great this is turning into an evil guy monologue’
“You’re going all evil guy monologue on me so I’ll stop you right there. You don’t have to screw with my family I still have all the weapons, but you’ll have to kill for them” I told the guys.
“Well that was planned anyways” The drunk guy said, looking like he was about to fall out of his chair.
“I do have one question, since you’re likely to kill me, what do you want with them?” I asked the men.
“Either sell them to the highest bidder, or take this kingdom” One of the men in the background short and stubby said.
“Enough talking!” The man with brown hair said, he most likely the leader of this rag tag group. He pulled out his swords, two short dual wielding cutlasses.
He dashed towards me, much faster than anything I’ve ever seen. In that flash I saw my life flash before me, and saw how boring it was. It wasn’t till I heard clash of metal, that I realized I was still alive. I opened my eyes to see that my arm had moved on its own, gauntlet full armor, sword in hand.
He continued to dash, and slash, but my arm and body moved on its own, as if the gauntlet was doing it’s damndest to keep me alive. Two of the others joined in to try to kill me, and I figured I’d work with the gauntlet, and use a sword technique spell, that I’m sad to admit but I spent a lot of money, and a lot of practice on to master.
I muttered the spell under my breath. It’s only one of the dozen or so sword spells. They are really expensive and take months to master. Most swordsmen either don’t know about the spells or rather not put the money and time into them. Plus they take a huge amount of mana, the only reason I have enough is because my mana has tripled due to me turning to a woman, then to young me.
It was kind of over kill, especially when the gauntlet was powerful enough. I didn’t want to kill these men, so made swift movements, to knock out one of the background characters with a blunt hit of the hilt of my sword But because of this movement the brown haired guy was able to make a cut on my shoulder. I heard a crack, while feeling a huge amount of pain shoot through my body.
I fell to the ground, I saw one of the brown haired guys swords broken in half, while chunks of metal fell from my shoulder, covered in blood.
“Elliot I finished…” Penny walked in from whatever he was doing outside. “What the fuck is going on here?!” He said while pulling out his revolver.
“None of your fucking business kid” the drunk guy said while pulling a sword out of thin air, and taking a slash at him. Penny jumped back, while the brown haired guy tried to finish me off. He thrust his sword into my back, nearly missing my heart. Penny shot, but the drunk guy dodged letting one of the others take the bullet.
The guy burst into flames, screaming, while obvious blood, fell from his wound in the chest, blood also on fire. Before my vision began to get blurry, and sound distorted from me nearly passing out, I heard Penny whisper under his breath “What the fuck is this gun?”.
Penny shot again towards my direction, a large flash of light burst above me, a small explosion. I then felt someone pick me up, from the shoulder. I began to wince in pain, I could feel the blood pouring down my back. I opened my eyes to see that Penny was carrying me.
“Go to my room” I said, my voice raspy and weak.
He dragged me towards my room, I saw my bed tossed to the side while the opening to the cellar gone. “They flipped the switch… the cunts” I muttered. I used my remaining strength to unlock the gate using simple hand motions. A password so to speak.
The cellar door rose from the floor board, the boards making the shape. The door swung open. “Go” I said. Penny pulled me along down the stairs, but he couldn’t keep hold of me. I fell hard on the ground, a small blood splatter and pieces of metal coming from the wound on my shoulder.
“Pull the switch” I said as loud as I could. My vision started to turn black, consciousness leaving my body, the last thing me hearing was Jane saying “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!” while seeing the metal chunks in my blood turning to liquid, while my blood and the metal began to be sucked back in from the wound, then black.

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