Chapter 2

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I woke up out my daze laying in the cellar, on a fold out bunk bed. I was bandaged, poorly, but from what it seems it has worked. I looked over to see the others playing a board game, probably to take their minds off what just happened. I slowly got up, without them realizing, I took a peek underneath my bandage, only to see a scar that seemed to be fading away.

I began to take off my bandage. "WAIT!" Grace yelled, realizing I was up.

"Don't worry it has healed, apparently my gauntlet has a few tricks up its sleeve" I said as they all turned towards me. "But god am I sore... So what happened" I said while realizing Penny had a small bandage on his face, and an apparent bandage under his shirt.

"Well I think I killed two..." he said unsure about himself, he was probably felt full of guilt.

"Don't worry about it, you did what you had to" I told him to reinsure him, I saw him pick up his head a little. "Well they were military, so we're probably wanted now, even if they were crooked"

"Our justice system is shit, just because they are dead, we're all pretty much fucked" Kim said, while she was staying quiet.

"They are after our weapons, and willing to kill for them, and they probably aren't the only ones" I told them. "I barely survived, but we can't just hand them over, there's more going on, and we need to find out what"

"To find anything about these things, we'd have to travel to the magician's library" Grace coming in with her schooling from the magicians. "I'd be able to provide a horse, but we'd still need a carriage"

"I'll be able to provide the carriage; this room is connected to a small mobile tavern carriage north outside of the city" I could see the confusion coming from them. "This room is basically a giant spatial ring, actually the whole interior is about 1 and a half of the tavern, and I used this as my getaway spot"

"How long have we had this?" Grace asked.

"Before you were even born, I kept it secret. It was really expensive but it was worth it, the nice thing the gateway is even portable, and I'll give all of you an access key later" I replied.

"Here follow me, I'll show you" I told them, while forcing them to follow me. I walked to one of the off rooms and made the same hand movements from earlier. A doorway, in the shape of an arch appeared. "Well let's go" I said while opening the door.

Through the doorway we could see lush green hills, farming plots, and a tiny village. I stepped out, and down wooden steps. I stood to the side while letting the rest come out, and as soon as Kim, the last one stepped on the grass I shut the door.

"First thing first. If the gateway is unlocked turn the doorknob on this door to the left, it will take you back to the spatial room. Turn it right and you'll open it into the carriage" I explained to them.

"Any questions?" I said while giving a slight pause. "Great" I continue to say before giving anyone a chance to speak. "Grace you said you could get us a horse" I said to her.

"Well... Well I haven't tried but that book, I can make an earth horse, a golem so to speak" She said certainly unsure of herself.

"Go and try, while I explain why I have this carriage to you guys and the readers, cause all of you are probably questioning" They looked at me with confusion. "I bought this, because I was hoping one day I'd be able to turn it into a mobile Tavern, and we'd all be able to go on the road. But the licensing for that is cheap, but takes forever to get you the permit to do that"

"Now go ahead and visit the town before, word gets here, we'll have to leave soon" I told them. "There's a shop at the corner, buy any supplies that you think we need or want, so Sam you'll have to use your saved money" I saw the remaining light in her face diminish and turn to anger.

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