Back to end the war!

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Lance has awaken, his friends and his lover~ were relieved, but lance has changed. He's more serous wanting to end the war, and that's what he did. Now it wasn't easy, lotor helped, his heart change wanting to live a peaceful life with he one person he loved, lance. Lance saw that lotor has changed and slowly fell for lotor. They fought along side voltron, fighting the garla empire. It took time but they finally killed the king and haggar. It wasn't easy many died, many were injured. Lance learned to use his powers and was able to defeat the hag. Lotor had to fight his own father and almost didn't win but lance came at the right time and they both defeated him. The garla empire  is an empty shell of what it was before. Lotor took charge of what was left with lance making it so that the next generation can change and be better than before. The paladins were able to find matt but it was to late for the dad. The went home back to earth after the war, they kept in touch. Lance stayed with his family for some time before leaving to help lotor in rebuilding a new garla generation. He kept in touch with his love ones and his friends, slowing make a legend. Years past and lance got older, on his death bed he told lotor to keep going and that he loved him, he looked at his friend and told them not to cry for he will always be with them, he looked up with a smile on his face and whispered, " clance I'm coming" and as he breath his last breath he use his magic to give comfort to his friends, and you can say he went with elegance.

 Years past and lance got older, on his death bed he told lotor to keep going and that he loved him, he looked at his friend and told them not to cry for he will always be with them, he looked up with a smile on his face and whispered, " clance I'...

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sorry this is so short and the last chapter but I didn't want to keep you guys hanging I hope you guys like this >^< bye .3.


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